1. last week; the week before
Pitch accent
Composed of
former; previous; old; first move (in go, shogi, etc.); opening move
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
week before last
this day last week; a week ago today
Examples (94 in total)
They came last week.
I bought it last week.
It happened last week.
I saw him last week.
It snowed last week.
It rained non-stop all last week.
You were busy last week.
He was sick last week.
My bike was stolen last week.
I was on a business trip all last week.
My grandmother became sick last week.
I saw her last week.
He was out of town last week.
Were you here last week?
They had a baby last week.
The proposal came up last week.
I took this photo last week.
Our experiment went wrong last week.
He quit school last week.
I took a day off last week.
I saw grandfather last week.
She set off on a trip last week.
The wedding was held last week.
I went to the park last Saturday.
I took a trip to Nikko last week.
The meeting took place last week.
I quit the baseball club last week.
John and Mary broke up last week.
The cat was sick last week.
I think that it was probably last Friday.
I lost my way here last week.
Tom didn't come to school last week.
I received a letter in French last week.
They climbed Mt. Fuji last week.
I was in Australia just last week.
We moved into a new house last week.
Tom's mother passed away last week.
Tom had surgery last Monday.
Tom came back from Boston last week.
It was last week that John bought a second-hand car.
I went rock climbing with Tom last weekend.
I had a tooth pulled out last week.
John had a bad cold last week.
My brother sent me a letter last week.
This is the castle which we visited last week.
I paid him the money last week.
This is the dress I made last week.
"Did you watch TV last week?" "No, I didn't."
Mike had his teeth checked last week.
My boss made me work last Sunday.
He won the prize last week.
My father came back from Osaka last week.
Amy worked in the yard last Saturday.
I stayed with my uncle last week.
Last week we worked until 10 p.m.
Mary has been ill in bed since last Monday.
It's been raining since last Thursday.
Tom and Mary broke up last week.
I started learning Chinese last week.
My brother-in-law passed away last Wednesday.
The supermarket near our house closed last week.
I met him last week for the first time in ages.
Last week, I mailed him some souvenirs from the U.S.
He hasn't come home since he left last week.
He denied having met her last week.
Last week five students were absent from class.
My younger brother, who goes to a different school, started last week.
Last week's meeting was the longest we have had this year.
Her father passed away last week.
This novel is more interesting than the one I read last week.
The promise I made to you last week still holds true.
This is the restaurant where we had dinner last week.
Let's resume reading where we left off last week.
Last Saturday, I went with my family to the zoo to see the pandas.
What he said yesterday is not consistent with what he had said last week.
He intended to have visited the temple last week.
I had him paint the gate last week.
Did you go to Ming's party last Saturday?
The eel I caught last week is still alive.
Kelly's latest book appeared last week.
I bought these jeans at your store last week.
Have you finished reading the book I lent you last week?
Tom is worried about Mary since he hasn't heard from her since last Monday.
It was in this room that we had the meeting last Friday.
All I know is that she left last week.
The boy broke the window with a baseball last weekend.
Jane lent me this book of hers last week.
It was last Friday that I ate dinner with my girlfriend in a restaurant.
She's been sick since last Wednesday.
Last week I gained another five pounds.
I went to see his sister last week.
I saw Michel last week. He'd been sick for a week.
We went to the beach last weekend to swim.
I still owe my brother the ten dollars that he lent me last week.