Adjective (の)
1. former; previous; old
2. first move (in go, shogi, etc.); opening move
Kanji used
before (timewise)
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (94 in total)
teacher; instructor; sensei; title or form of address for a teacher, master, doctor, lawyer, etc.; intimate or teasing form of address; (arch.) one's elder
pointed end; tip; point; forefront; vanguard; spearhead
preference; priority; precedence
head; lead; vanguard; first
previous generation (e.g. one's parents); family predecessor; predecessor; previous age
a short while ago; already
going ahead; going first; preceding; coming before; scoring first; getting off to a lead
last week; the week before
vanguard; advance guard
deciding first; settling (a matter) first; first priority
first move (in go, shogi, etc.); moving first; person with the first move; forestalling; (seizing the) initiative
the preceding visitor
to forestall; to beat to the punch; to anticipate; to play the first move (e.g. in go)
to take the initiative; to forestall; to beat to the punch
the late king; the preceding king; good ancient kings
predecessor; pioneer; ancestor
leader; pioneer; guide; leader (in Shugendō)
the other day; some time ago; recently
head start; initiative; preemption
to take the initiative
recently; the other day
previous engagement; prior contract
former teacher
former years; formerly; a few years ago
indigenous people; native people; aborigines
seniority; predecessor
foresight; anticipation
earning the first (runs); preoccupation
hereditary; congenital
striking just before one's opponent makes a move
aforementioned; above-mentioned
original inhabitant; aboriginal; previous priest
arriving first
the other night; a few nights ago
inherent; innate
former wife; late wife
teacher; previous ruler; previous lord; lord of the previous generation
radical; acute; sharp
order of arrival; first-come-first-served basis
crisis in a battle; death
previous ruler; ancestors
seer; pioneer; leading spirit; enlightened person
before and after; earlier and later; order; occurring almost simultaneously; inversion (of order)
scoring the first point; winning the first game; lucky day in the morning, but not in the afternoon
counterattack; striking one's opponent immediately after defending an incoming attack
the one before last; two generations, etc. previous
advance troops; vanguard; advance contingent; leading unit
aforementioned; above-mentioned; given above; previous
(one's) late father
former master; late master
previous preconception; previous engagement
ultramodern; leading
last time; the last; the preceding
precedence; first move (in games)
ancient wise men
pre-Qin period (of China)
foresight; speedy comprehension
the other evening; a few nights ago
ancient sage (esp. Confucius)
academic predecessor; scholars of the past; senior scholar
striking one's opponent while defending from their attack
former post; former occupant of the post
Songun; military-first policy of North Korea
month before last
initiative; prior consideration
previous letter
transcendental philosophy
initiative; pioneering
pre-Jomon period (i.e. the preceramic period)
starting pitcher
right of prior use; prior use rights; prior user rights
first-to-invent principle (in patent law); first-to-invent system
first-to-invent principle (in patent law); first-to-invent system
acuminate (i.e. sharp shape of leaf); apiculate
first-to-file principle (in patent law); first-to-file system
first-to-file principle (in patent law); first-to-file system
teacher; instructor; master; previous existence