1. definitely; absolutely; unconditionally
Adjective (の)
2. absolute; unconditional; unmistakable
3. absoluteness
Pitch accent
Top 36800
Used in vocabulary (56 in total)
absolutely; unconditionally; never (with neg. verb)
desperate situation with no escape; being driven into a corner; being cornered; last extremity
absolute obedience; complete submission
absolute zero
the Absolute
complete bed rest; complete rest and quiet
exposed skin between top of knee-high socks and hemline of skirt
absolutely necessary
number (on its own, without considering its proportion to the whole); overall number
fail-safe; foolproof; totally safe
absolute pitch; perfect pitch
absolute amount; absolute quantity
absolute evil
absolute monarchy
peremptory command; must-obey order; absolute instruction; categorical imperative
absolute authority or power (over someone or something)
absolute value
taking something as absolute truth; regarding something as absolute
absolute monarch
absolute advantage
evaluation on an absolute scale
absolute knowledge
absolute majority
absolute coordinate; absolute address
absolute temperature; measure of temperature from absolute zero (-273C)
absolute (as opposed to relative) motion
absolute rest
perfect vacuum; absolute vacuum
absolutism (phil.)
absolute humidity
absolute address
absolute (as opposed to relative) position
absolute error
absolute respectful speech; absolute honorifics
absolute poverty
starting field which contains the November and/or December 20-point card
absolute majority
overwhelming majority (number of parliamentary seats required in order for the ruling coalition to chair all standing committees and pass bills without the support of other parties)
absolute magnitude
absolute pathname
absolute vector
absolute address
ablative absolute
absolute pressure
absolute convergence
Examples (63 in total)
I would never forget that.
It's absolutely impossible.
I'm sure that it'll be fun!