1. snow; snowfall
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (116 in total)
snow blindness
light snow
white snow
Examples (161 in total)
I want snow.
It is going to snow.
I hate snow.
The snow melted.
Snow is falling thick and fast.
It looks like snow.
I like snow.
Because of the snow, I couldn't see anything.
It snowed last night.
It is white as snow.
Thanks, Yukina.
It snowed hard yesterday.
It snowed here today.
I hate snow!
The rain changed to snow.
It might snow tonight.
The snow was soft and fluffy.
The sun melted the snow.
It snowed in Osaka.
There's snow on the mountains.
It snowed last week.
It's constantly snowing.
The mountain top is covered with snow.
It has been snowing since this morning.
It's just started snowing.
They have much snow in Niigata.
The path through the forest was completely covered in snow.
The snow lay deep.
To make matters worse, it began to snow.
I like snow a lot.
Why is snow white?
Have you ever seen snow?
It may well snow tomorrow night.
All the snow on the mountain has disappeared.
I think it'll snow tomorrow.
The mountain is covered with snow.
That mountain is covered with snow.
He was late because of the snow.
Snow is pretty, but it's cold.
It was snowing when I reached the station.
It's supposed to snow tomorrow.
The children are playing in the snow.
There's a lot of snow in the park today.
I don't care if it snows.
The train was delayed on account of snow.
It may snow in the evening.
Snow reminds me of my hometown.
I think the snow will melt soon.
The roads are already covered with snow.
The hills were covered with snow.
The ground was completely covered with snow.
When I opened the curtains, it was snowing.
When I woke up, it was snowing.
The bough bent under the weight of the snow.
The weather looks as if it could easily turn from rain to snow.
We rarely get snow here.
It's snowing in April.
It seems like it will snow in the evening.
It snows a lot in Hokkaido, doesn't it?
The school is closed due to snow.
The house collapsed under the weight of snow.
It rarely snows in this area.
It is false to say that snow is blue.
He lost his way in the snow.
Snow indicates the coming of winter.
We have less snow than usual.
They cleared the street of snow.
The top of Mt. Fuji is covered with snow.
As far as I could see, everything was covered with snow.
The fields lay covered with deep snow.
It snowed as was forecast.
Tom's car got stuck in the snow.
It's snowing here in Boston.
The snow lasted for two days.
The school was closed due to the snow.
Judging from the look of the sky, it is going to snow.
They cleared the pavement of snow.
The summit of the mountain is covered with snow.
It stopped snowing an hour ago.
Maybe the snow will melt soon.
They like to play in the snow.
Her skin is as white as snow.
He loves rain and snow.
We had less snow this winter than we had expected.
We have had little snow this winter.
We were late because of the heavy snow.
When I woke up this morning, the rain had turned into snow.
The snow melted away when spring came.
The branch broke under the weight of the snow.
It snowed less this winter than last.
According to the paper, it will snow tomorrow.
The school's closure was due to the snow.
My grandfather has snowy white hair.
It has finally stopped snowing and has warmed up.
The children were rolling a big snowball.
The upper part of the mountain is covered with snow.
Snow completely covered the town.
The hot weather changed snow into water.
Look at that mountain which is covered with snow.
Tom and Mary built a snow fort.
The path is already completely covered with snow.
Snow fell early this winter.
Where I live, we have snow in January.
It snowed from Monday to Friday.
The weather forecast says that it's going to snow this evening.
The snow prevented the airplane from taking off.
They were clearing the snow from the sidewalk with a shovel.
Jane couldn't explain the beauty of snow.
She was nearly frozen to death in the snow.
We don't have much snow here even in the winter.
This mountain is covered with snow all year round.
We get a lot of snow here in winter.
It happened that the train was delayed on account of snow.
My grandfather's hair is white as snow.
It will get very cold tonight. Maybe it will snow tomorrow.
According to the radio, it will snow tomorrow.
They found the track of a bear in the snow.
The people tried to clear the street of snow.
The top of the mountain is always covered with snow.
We had less snow this winter than last.
"The snow is beautiful, isn't it?" "Yeah, but Mary, you're even more beautiful."
At times, it snows even in April around here.
We always associate snow with skiing.
She was looking at the fine snow falling on the lake.
It began to snow heavily as I got off the train.
Many drivers abandoned their cars in the snow.
We finally arrived at the ski hill... the snow had turned into rain.
It has never snowed on the island.
We found it difficult to walk in the deep snow.
These shoes are good for walking in deep snow.
With winter coming on, the mountains will soon be covered with snow.
If it snowed in May, they would be surprised.
The bus service won't be available until the snow has melted.
If it snows a lot tomorrow, let's make a snowman.
When I was on the point of leaving London, it began to snow.
The train has been delayed because of the snow and I haven't been able to get home yet.
The beauty of the Golden Pavilion covered in snow was unmatched.
In countries like Norway and Finland, they have lots of snow in the winter.
Had you seen snow before you came to this town?
I always wear boots when it rains or snows.
I went to Nagano to take pictures of the mountains covered with snow.
The climate here is very mild, and snow seldom falls even in winter.
The snow that had piled up on the roof at night came down with a thud.
On colder days, they curl up or dig a hole in the snow.
It snowed all week.
It's been snowing all day.
It's been snowing all night.
It kept snowing all day.
It was snowing all week.
The snow melted away in a day.
The snow lay one and a half meters deep.
When the snow melts it flows into the river.
Mont Blanc is covered with snow all the year round.
It has just started to snow in Vicenza.
Do you have much snow in your country?
It was a week of alternate snow and rain.
The path between the two houses was blocked by snow.
In February it snows at least every three days.
The roof of the hut groaned under the weight of the snow.
Snow is apt to fall in Chicago in late November.
The mountain top is covered with snow almost all year.