Verb (する)
1. explanation; exposition; description; account; caption; legend
Pitch accent
Composed of
theory; doctrine; opinion; view; rumour; rumor
brightness; discernment; insight; eyesight; vision; nth year in the Meiji era (1868.9.8-1912.7.30)
Used in vocabulary (13 in total)
(printed) instructions; manual; explanatory leaflet (pamphlet, note); description
to explain adequately; to be accountable
information session; briefing; explanatory meeting
Examples (157 in total)
Why can't you explain?
I can explain that.
I can't explain it either.
It's easy to explain.
Thank you for the explanation.
I'll explain using photographs.
I don't need an explanation.
Explain it so that I understand.
Can you explain this?
There's no time to explain.
Explain the following.
I can explain it.
Thank you for your explanation.
How should I explain that to her?
There was no time left for explanation.
Can you explain that to me again?
I can't really explain it well.
Would you explain it again?
I will explain the situation to you later on.
I'm sorry I couldn't explain it well.
Sorry! I'm not good at explaining.
You're better at explaining than my teacher.
I explained the procedure to him.
I'll explain in detail next week.
Explain it in plain language.
The nurse will tell you how to do it.
I guess I'll have to explain it from the beginning.
His explanation was hard to understand.
He gives plain, simple explanations.
Her explanation was to the point.
I can't explain it now.
I'll explain it to her.
Please explain to me how you did that.
I'll explain everything to you later.
Can someone explain this to me?
I couldn't understand that explanation.
He didn't explain it at all.
Please explain it to me later.
I was convinced by his explanation.
How do you account for his failure?
How can I explain this?
Can you explain why you were late?
It's hard to explain, but I'll try.
The teacher will illustrate how to do it.
It fairly took time to explain the fact.
Explaining the risks is very important.
Can you explain it more clearly?
I explained the process to him.
Please explain the rules of soccer to me.
The lawyer explained the new law to us.
His explanation is unconvincing.
Thank you so much for your always easily understandable explanations.
Mayuko explained the rules in detail.
I need a concise explanation.
I'll explain the matter to you later on.
Just so you know, I explained it for your sake.
He gave no explanation why he had been absent.
Your explanation lacks concreteness.
His explanation doesn't make sense at all.
My explanation may sound strange.
Please explain how to get there.
I'll explain the incident.
Please describe what occurred there.
That is somewhat explained at the end.
Why are you able to explain things so well?
He explained his position to me.
He explained the reason at length.
I can't remember his explanation.
Don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand my explanation.
Can you explain why our team lost?
He gave an account of how he had escaped.
I explained the accident to him.
Would you please explain the rules to me?
The explanation may be much more complex.
I can't explain the difference between those two.
Explain to him the difficult situation you are in.
That word describes it perfectly.
He will explain it to you when he comes back.
Can you explain how this machine works?
She explained the matter to me.
I don't think there's any need for you to explain.
Poetry is a search for the inexplicable.
He was so drunk that his explanation did not make sense.
It's extremely important to explain the danger.
He explained the process of putting them together.
Your explanation is more convincing.
I didn't know how to explain that to Tom.
Your explanation is too abstract to me.
The origin of the universe will probably never be explained.
He explained this passage in detail.
Can you describe to me the difference between black tea and green tea?
I demand an explanation for this mistake.
Nobody could explain how the thing was made.
Explain it in plain words.
The same explanation is true of that case.
Please let me tell you a little bit about this position.
This chart illustrates the function of ozone layer.
I don't have to explain myself to you!
Is it necessary for me to explain the reason to him?
Can you describe the situation you were in?
It's impossible for me to explain it to you.
This problem is too difficult for me to explain.
I can't tell you why she was absent from school.
The explanation is by no means satisfactory.
He explained that he knew nothing about the matter.
She explained her idea by means of pictures.
I cannot account for this strange happening.
He explained at length what had been decided.
The teacher explained the meaning of the word to us.
I have no time to explain this in detail.
The teacher explained to us the meaning of the poem.
He explained to me how to use the machine.
The teacher explained his theory using pictures.
Can you explain why you turned down their proposal?
He explained how to play the guitar to me.
I can not seem to explain to you how difficult it is.
He explained the main purpose of the plan.
Would you be kind enough to explain it to me?
Can you explain the exact meaning of this word?
I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode.
The pilot explained to us why the landing was delayed.
I don't know this system, but the man in charge will explain.
Beth described what she had seen in detail.
His explanation is too obscure to understand.
He gave me a brief outline of the plan.
I listened to him explain a new product.
His explanation is far from satisfactory.
The spokesman explained the contents of the treaty to the press.
The speaker illustrated the theory with examples.
She explained to me how to use the hair drier.
Please tell me in complete detail what occurred, when and where.
He explained to my son why it rains.
They gave different versions of the accident.
She explained to me that we throw away too much garbage.
Her account of the incident agrees with yours.
This diagram will illustrate what I mean.
There is not a physical explanation for this phenomenon yet.
He explained the political background of the war on TV.
I think it doubtful whether he understood my explanation.
He explained to Mary why he was late for her birthday party.
He was at a loss to explain where he had put the dictionary.
After Tom explained it in French, he said the same thing in English.
She plainly interpreted Picasso's paintings to me.
Jane no longer needed an explanation of Mt. Fuji.
Only afterward did he explain why he did it.
The translator found it impossible to explain what he meant.
He required her to explain how she spent money.
If you permit me to speak, I can explain everything.
He offered no specific explanation for his strange behavior.
You have a responsibility to explain that behavior to me.
Scientists have come up with many explanations for why the sky is blue.
But how that comes about I am at a loss to explain.
John did not know how to explain to his wife that he had quit his job.
The scientist explained the strange phenomena in the light of recent scientific knowledge.
Experts have failed to come up with an explanation of why the explosion happened.
Please explain this sentence to me.
The teacher listened attentively to my explanation.