Verb (する)
1. persuasion
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Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
persuasiveness; powers of persuasion; cogency
persuasiveness; skilled in the art of persuasion
Examples (55 in total)
We found it impossible to persuade him.
We failed to persuade him.
She attempted to persuade her father.
The doctor persuaded him to give up smoking.
It is absurd to try to persuade them.
He did his best to persuade her.
It's no use trying to persuade the boy.
I successfully persuaded her and we went on a date.
I had a hard time trying to persuade him to cancel the trip.
It is difficult for us to persuade him.
We tried to persuade Jim to join us.
I persuaded him to consult a doctor.
The surgeon persuaded me to undergo an operation.
I talked my boyfriend into buying me a ring.
Finally, he gave into my persuasion.
I've managed to talk him into buying a new bed.
She persuaded him to marry her.
I talked my wife out of buying a new car.
I finally persuaded him to buy it.
The police persuaded her not to jump off the bridge.
We persuaded him to change his mind.
Can you persuade him to join our club?
I persuaded her after all and went to camp.
I persuaded him to be examined by the doctor.
I persuaded John to be examined by the doctor.
After all, he was persuaded to run for President.
I managed to persuade my cousin into accepting my plan.
I tried to persuade Sam to give up his plan, only to fail.
I persuaded Tom to go to Boston.
Will it do me any good to try to persuade him now?
I finally managed to persuade her siblings to accept my plan.
She talked him into buying a new house.
I persuaded her to substitute for me in that job.
Write down the facts needed to convince other people.
I persuaded him that he should try again.
The salesperson persuaded her to buy the dress.
I persuaded my brother to study harder.
She talked her husband into having a holiday in France.
I had no difficulty in persuading my father to let me study abroad.
He was persuaded to be more sensible.
I persuaded him to resign the post.
He reasoned her into believing what he said.
She's going to talk her father into buying a new car.
It is very difficult to persuade people to change their life style.
Whoever wants to marry her must first convince her father.
How do you think I can convince her to spend more time with me?
She tried to dissuade him from participating in the project.
He was persuaded into doing it against his own wishes.
She tried to persuade him to buy her a pearl necklace.
Eventually the salesman persuaded me to buy the expensive machine.
The surgeon persuaded me to undergo an organ transplant operation.
I wish I could figure out how to convince Tom to stay.
I persuaded Yoko to give up smoking.
I was persuaded to stop smoking.
Mr. Suzuki persuaded his son to give up his plan to study abroad.