1. characteristic way of speaking
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (39 in total)
katsuobushi; small pieces of sliced dried bonito
song with lyrics about resentment and a sorrowful tune; resentful complaint
katsuobushi; small pieces of sliced dried bonito
naniwabushi; variety of sung narrative popular during the Edo period
katsuobushi; small pieces of sliced dried bonito
Sulculus diversicolor supertexta (species of abalone or ear shell)
flaked bonito
sutra-based ballads accompanied by the samisen
traditional work song of Hokkaido herring fishery workers, performed by school students in modern choreographed interpretations
gidayū ballad drama (narrative accompanied by a shamisen used in the bunraku puppet theater)
type of Japanese music
horse driver's song
song with lyrics about resentment and a sorrowful tune; resentful complaint
joint (between bones)
undulating melodic ornamentation or embellishment, esp. in folk and popular songs; unit of timber measurement
dried, smoked mackerel; shavings from dried, smoked mackerel
joints; points (of a speech)
common and low grade type of katsuobushi; bamboo rod used during imperial exorcism ceremonies
style of Japanese folk song associated with Niigata Prefecture
boiled and half-dried bonito
style of jōruri narrative used for kabuki dances
dried, smoked mackerel; shavings from dried, smoked mackerel
dried, smoked mackerel; shavings from dried, smoked mackerel
boiled and half-dried bonito
boiled and half-dried bonito
type of jōruri recitation
boiled and half-dried bonito
top-quality dried bonito
finely chopped round herring
song in the style of the Heikyoku
miyako-bushi scale (characteristic Japanese hemitonic pentatonic scale: mi, fa, la, ti, do)
style of jōruri narrative performance
traditional festival in Kiryū City, Saitama
slow-paced style of shamisen music with vocal accompaniment (popular during the late Edo period)
finely chopped round herring
folk song from the Tsugaru region of Aomori Prefecture (used as a Bon Festival dance song)
slow-paced style of shamisen music with vocal accompaniment (popular during the late Edo period)
slow-paced style of shamisen music with vocal accompaniment (popular during the late Edo period)
dried, smoked pilchard; shavings from dried, smoked pilchard