1. occasion; time
2. section (of a literary work); paragraph; verse; stanza; passage
3. season; term; holiday
4. principle; integrity
5. node (of a plant stem)
6. clause
7. (taxonomical) section
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (96 in total)
loment; lomentum
moderation; standard
season; time of year
setsubun; last day of winter in the traditional Japanese calendar (usu. February 3 or 4), day of the bean scattering ceremony; last day of any season (according to the traditional Japanese calendar)
hip joint; coxa
economising; saving
at that time; that time
retrenchment; curtailment; economy
anniversary of founding (of PRC); national celebration time
joint (knee, elbow, etc.)
regulation; adjustment; control
envoy; ambassador; delegate; emissary; mission
decorum; propriety; politeness
season; the times; opportunity; occasion
loyalty; allegiance; fidelity
bar; measure; short pause (in writing); petty principles; minor details
lymph node
chastity; fidelity; faithfulness; virtue
nowadays; these days
these days; now; recently
betrayal; defection; treachery; apostasy
unremitting effort; dogged perseverance; unswerving loyalty
this chapter; this passage; this section
the five festivals (January 7, March 3, May 5, July 7 and September 9)
fidelity to one's principles
phrase; clause; basic linguistic unit in Japanese grammar
preceding paragraph, section, or verse
tax reduction; tax avoidance; tax planning
tally; check
late in life; one's later years
lantern festival, held on the night of the 15th day of the first month in the lunar calendar
nerve ganglion; nerve knot; ganglion; ganglia
Emperor's Birthday (national holiday held from 1868 to 1948)
segment; arthromere; metamere; somite
Empire Day (February 11th; national holiday held from 1872 to 1948)
foreign delegation; foreign mission; diplomatic envoy
joint; reason; sense; logic
control one's desires; abstinence
musical passage or section
traditional festival on Iriomote Island (southern Okinawa)
loyalty to one's master
All Saints' Day; All Hallows' Day
auspicious occasion
chapters and sections; chapter and verse
former section (stanza)
segment (of worm)
Emperor Meiji's birthday (November 3; national holiday held from 1927 to 1948)
principal clause
economization; economisation
All Souls' Day
mid-autumn festival (in China and Vietnam)
April Fools' Day
section header
Shavuot; Feast of Weeks; (Jewish) Pentecost; Pentecost; Whitsunday
subordinate clause
noun clause; nominal clause
phrases and clauses
the three grand national holidays (Prayer to the Four Quarters, Empire Day, the Emperor's Birthday; pre-1927)
subordinate clause
adverbial clause
the four grand national holidays (Prayer to the Four Quarters, Empire Day, the Emperor's Birthday, Emperor Meiji's birthday; 1927-1948)
articulated bus; bendy bus
Xenarthra (superorder comprising anteaters, tree sloths, and armadillos)
the Double Tenth; October 10th Chinese national holiday
subordinate clause
simple link
open syllable
debugging section
file section
configuration section
working-storage section (COBOL)
working-storage section (COBOL)
power conservation (facility)
section title; section name
communication section
linkage section
cerebral ganglion
autonomic ganglion
Horn clause
Condylarthra; extinct order of mammals
sarcomere; myotome
Examples (1 in total)
Read this passage and translate it into Japanese.