1. oil; petroleum
2. kerosene; paraffin
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
oil magnate; oil baron
oil heater; oil stove
Examples (47 in total)
The price of oil is going up.
Do the trains run on diesel oil?
The world is running out of oil.
Arabia abounds in oil.
There is little oil in Japan.
Water and oil are both liquids.
Japan depends on other countries for oil.
Supplies of oil are not infinite.
That country abounds in oil.
Oil is scarce in this country.
Japan depends on foreign countries for oil.
Japan imports a large quantity of oil.
They are loading oil into the ship.
Tom made a fortune in oil.
A tanker is a ship carrying oil.
Oil has been discovered under the North Sea.
Saudi Arabia is very rich in oil.
Japan depends on Arab countries for oil.
Petroleum has been important since ancient times.
Oil is necessary to run various machines.
That country's wealth comes from its oil.
Petrol is no longer a cheap fuel.
The oil ran through a thick pipe.
They intended to drill for oil.
We should substitute alcohol for oil.
This stove burns oil.
Supply of oil from the Middle East may be disturbed.
He is said to have made a fortune in oil.
They are boring the ground for oil.
We had to do without oil during the war.
Until recently we took oil for granted.
The discovery of oil enriched the country.
Petroleum was replacing coal as fuel.
This firm ranks second in the oil trade.
In the past, Fletcher Fuel was approached by Japanese companies.
The oil often spilled by tankers also adds to water pollution.
Our life depends largely on oil imported from other countries.
Oil has played an important part in the progress of civilization.
One quality of oil is that it floats on water.
The geologists explored for oil on our farm.
Algeria is not the country with the largest reserves of oil.
The time may come when people will have used up all the oil.
The world needs to develop new energy sources in place of oil.
Because of fighting in the region, the oil supply was temporarily cut off.
We've run short of oil.
Oil may not last for another hundred years.
400,000 gallons of oil have spilled out of the pipeline.