Adjective (の)
1. olden days; former
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (25 in total)
Epiophlebia superstes (species of living-fossil dragonfly endemic to Japan)
remote past; far ago; time immemorial
a long time ago; in those days
ages; long time; decade; ten years (ago)
tuatara (primitive lizardlike reptile endemic to New Zealand)
great antiquity; old-fashioned; long ago
a long time ago
a long time ago
the same as it was long ago; unchanged; traditional
long ago; once upon a time
old friend; familiar face
the way it was; the way it used be; as of old; in former times
once upon a time; a long time ago
old fashioned
old-fashioned way of thinking; old-fashioned spirit; old-fashioned
skill learned in one's former days; using one's experience from the past
old person; old-fashioned person
let bygones be bygones; (lit.) the past is the past, the present is the present
a long time ago
old-fashioned person; old-timer; old fogey
paleolagine lagomorph (Paleolaginae spp., incl. the Amami rabbit and the red rock hares)
old fashioned; in ancient style
archiannelids of the genus Saccocirrus (esp. Saccocirrus major)
horseweed (Conyza canadensis); Canadian horseweed; Canadian fleabane; coltstail; marestail; butterweed
Examples (108 in total)
I used to be a teacher.
This city used to be beautiful.
That was such a long time ago.