Adjective (の)
1. olden days; former
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (25 in total)
Epiophlebia superstes (species of living-fossil dragonfly endemic to Japan)
remote past; far ago; time immemorial
a long time ago; in those days
Examples (108 in total)
I used to be a teacher.
This city used to be beautiful.
That was such a long time ago.
This place used to be a field.
Those are old magazines.
He is an old friend of mine.
This is a letter from my old teacher.
It's a very old picture.
I don't have as much money as I used to have.
He used to drink.
Formerly this building was a hospital.
He used to be a nice boy.
We were able to talk just like before.
I ran into my old teacher at the station.
My grandfather tells us about old things.
That was years ago.
There used to be a hotel around here.
We were young once, weren't we, Linda?
I met an old student of mine in London.
There used to be a prison here.
Tom and I've been friends a long time.
Old people look back on the past too much.
Tom used to wear a wig.
She must have been well-off in the past.
But of course that was a long time ago.
This used to be a pretty quiet place.
Let's get together and talk about old times.
That is the shop where I used to work.
There was a castle here many years ago.
Walking along the street, I met an old friend.
It happened a long time ago.
I have a date tonight with an old girlfriend.
I like to talk about the good old days.
He doesn't work as hard as he used to.
I saw this movie a very long time ago.
Once there lived a great king.
I'm not as healthy as I used to be.
You never used to treat me like this.
He told me how he had once been a rich man.
Once there lived an old woman on a small island.
I don't smoke now, but I used to.
There used to be a bake-shop on this corner.
I ran into an old friend of mine outside the station.
It used to be thought that the earth was flat.
He is not so diligent as he used to be.
There used to be a post office on the corner.
She cherished his old love letters.
In Boston, I happened to run into an old friend of mine.
Tom never used to smoke, but he does now.
I used to work in an electronics store.
Tom didn't use to eat so much junk food.
The Greeks used to hold a big athletic meet.
I used to be more creative.
This is where my family used to live.
However, this has not always been true.
We remembered the old days when we had played together.
Once there lived an old man in the village.
I remember singing that song long ago.
I happened to meet an old friend at Tokyo Station.
In former days people walked from Edo to Kyoto.
In that country there once lived a wise king.
He looks like a completely different person to what he was before.
He must have gone to see his old friend.
She finally managed to get a hold of her old friend.
There used to be a castle on the top of the mountain.
This town still retains something of the old days.
It is said that he has a lot of old coins.
Buildings are much stronger now than they used to be.
She has always been a popular actress.
There used to be a vegetable garden in our yard.
As far as I know, he used to be a good student.
This summer resort is no longer as popular as it used to be.
You remind me of a boy I used to know.
Keep in mind that you're not as young as you used to be.
The story reminds me of an experience I had long ago.
He was, is, and will be, my best friend.
I ran across an old classmate on my way here.
There used to be a small castle on this hill.
Quite by chance, I met my old friend at the airport.
There used to be a statue of a lion at the gate.
I ran into an old classmate of mine on my way to the station.
We walked along the busy street, singing old songs.
The actors appeared in historical costumes.
I was surprised when I found out that Tom used to be a French teacher.
I didn't use to like opera, but I enjoy it a lot now.
On my way home, I came across an old friend.
Old school friends often try to keep in touch with one another.
I used to keep a diary every day when I was young.
My father used to say that money is not everything.
This song always makes me think of my good old days.
My father used to own a store dealing in meat and fish.
She ran across her old friend while walking in the park.
There is much more water in this lake now than in the past.
Haru's always been like that; he's very kind at heart.
Archaeologists are those who hunt for clues about the lifestyles of ancient peoples.
The couple doesn't fight often these days, but they used to a lot.
Old habits die hard. This is particularly true of politics.
The old teacher began to talk about the good old days.
He gave away his entire fortune to an old friend's daughter, and expected nothing in return.
While cleaning my room yesterday evening, I happened to find an old photograph of my mother.
My father used to drink till late at night.
People once held that the world was flat.
The river is no longer as clean as it used to be.
There used to be a police station in front of this bus stop.
At forty, he does not get as angry as he used to.
She sat in the chair all day, thinking of past events.
I haven't seen any of my old classmates since I graduated 15 years ago.
Formerly people did not know that the earth is round and that it moves around the sun.