1. seat
2. location (of a gathering, etc.); place
3. position; post
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (85 in total)
batter's box; one's turn at bat
banquet; dinner party
presence; sitting with; being with
driver's seat (in a car)
passenger seat; assistant driver's seat
audience seating; (spectator) stands; auditorium; stadium
guest seating (e.g. theater, stadium); passenger seat (e.g. taxi); audience
head; chief; chairman; governor; top student; head of the class
taking a seat; sitting down (in one's seat)
extempore; impromptu; improvised; ad-lib; off-the-cuff; instant
(pilot or driver's) seat; cockpit
empty seat; unoccupied seat; vacancy; vacant post
seat at a table; place at a table
special seat; box seat
counter seat; seat at the counter
associate; junior; assistant; runner-up
window-side seat
full house; all seats occupied; fully occupied
entertainment hall (for rakugo, manzai, magic, music, etc.); vaudeville theater (theatre); music hall
seat; seats; stands; grandstand; bleachers
moving to new seats; moving to new desks
one's seat; one's desk
reserved seat
at the meeting; on the occasion
box seat; (restaurant) booth; box (theater, sports stadium, etc.)
sharing a table with someone you don't know (e.g. at a restaurant)
seating order
situation where alcohol is being served; (over) a drink
order of seats; seating precedence; class standing
parliamentary seat
drinking party
special seat
visitor's gallery; seats for the public
leather-soled sandals (geta)
seniority; precedence; upper seat
front seat
unreserved seat; non-reserved seat
tea room; tea ceremony
leaving one's seat
visitor's seats
defendant's seat; the dock
back seat (of a car); rear seat
leaving one's seat
non-smoking section
entertainment hall (for rakugo, manzai, magic, music, etc.); vaudeville theater (theatre); music hall; vaudeville theater manager; music hall proprietor
general admission seat
(seat at) the head of the table; seat of honour (honor)
reserved seat
all tickets
saving a seat (e.g. by leaving something on it); holding a seat (for a friend, etc.); reserving a place
standing room
smoking seat
priority seat; courtesy seat; seat provided in trains, buses, etc. for the use of the disabled, young children, the elderly, pregnant women, etc.
witness stand or box
cover charge; admission fee; room rental (fee)
meeting place; seats for the public; restaurant dinner tray; set of dishes served on an individual tray for entertaining guests; banquet
outfield bleachers; outsider; onlooker; bystander
one's habitual seat; regular hall; entertainment hall
chair seat; chair seating (as opposed to sitting on the floor)
(meeting) room for rent
seats reserved for guests
press gallery; press box
tatami "box seat" for four people at sumo, kabuki, etc.
matinee (performance)
go club
seating plan (e.g. banquet); seating chart
infield bleachers
after age 7, boys and girls should be kept apart
after age 7, boys and girls should be kept apart
standing room
remaining seats (on plane, bus, etc.)
entering a tea room
first class seat (on a JR train); seat in the first class compartment
ringside seat
seat allocation; fee paid to an performer (at a vaudeville hall); appearance fee
impromptu drawing composed at a gathering
window seat
the mid-month's slate of entertainment in a variety hall
special seats and standing-only space in the galley for people who only intend to see one act of a kabuki play
entertainment hall (for rakugo, manzai, magic, music, etc.); vaudeville theater (theatre); music hall
unoccupied seat; (as-yet) unreserved seat
being seated before the school bell rings
ringside seat
Examples (69 in total)
Go back to your seat.
Whose seat is this?
Hey, this is my seat.