1. voice
2. singing (of a bird); chirping (of an insect); hoot
3. voice; opinion (as expressed in words); view; wish; attitude; will
4. sound
5. sense (of something's arrival); feeling
usu. as ~の声を聞く
6. voice; voiced sound
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (32 in total)
(one's) inner voice; voice of one's heart; what one really thinks
saying something (to someone); greeting; approaching (someone)
sweet voice; seductive voice
voice; cry; shout
muffled voice
war cry; battle cry
shrill voice
carrying voice; well-projected voice
shout of joy; cry of pleasure; jubilant comments
thick voice
singing of insects (esp. in autumn); sound of insects
heavenly voice; off the record instructions; influential person's opinion; powerful person's verdict
deep voice; rich voice; full voice
unvoiced opinion; (opinion of the) silent majority; views which are not expressed
at the top of one's voice
unedited remarks; frank opinions
sharp voice
readers voice
recommendation of an influential person
threatening voice; threatening tone
resounding voice; thunderous voice
it's audible but invisible; I hear voices but I can't see anybody
voice acting; appearing in a movie, TV show, etc. as a voice actor
growling voice; snarling voice
first sound of the year for an animal; first sound of the season
Eurasian scops owl (Otus scops)
shrill voice; unaccompanied part of the Heike Monogatari chanting; part of an unaccompanied poem (in noh)
the word of a wise man is worth the words of one thousand fools; (lit.) one thousand chirps of sparrows, one cry of a crane
Examples (97 in total)
I can hear your voice.
I like your voice.
He has a loud voice.