1. living thing; organism; creature; life
2. biology
Pitch accent
Composed of
life; living; I; me; student
stock; products; stolen goods; loot; spoils
Used in vocabulary (67 in total)
biological weapon
microbe; germ
inanimate object
mysterious and unconfirmed animals (e.g. chupacabra, etc.)
marine life; marine organism
unicellular organism; monad
neoplasm; tumor; tumour
biological (system); bio-
protist; protistan; protoctist
higher forms of life
aquatic life; water creatures
multicellular organism
luminescent organism; photogenic organism
adventive species; non-native species; introduced species; alien species
eukaryote; eucaryote
biological and chemical weapons
biological classification
bioterrorism; biological terrorism
biological concentration
prokaryote; procaryote
biological classification
biosphere; biome
a biological (i.e. a biological drug, vaccine, etc.)
biological warfare
biogeography; biological geography
benthic organism; sea-bottom fauna; benthos
biocenosis; biotic community; biological community
biological agent
model organism
biological diversity; biodiversity
marine biology; biological oceanography
biometrics; biometry
biological pump; biopump
biosatellite; satellite designed to carry life in space
hot spring organism; organisms (algae, amphibians, etc.) that thrive in hot water
biofilm; biological slime; biological membrane; biomembrane
Examples (22 in total)
There is no life on the moon.
He is clever at biology.
The dragon is an imaginary creature.