1. pupil; student; schoolchild
Pitch accent
Composed of
life; living
party; set; gang; company; person
Used in vocabulary (10 in total)
head of the student council; president of the student council
student council
schoolgirl; female student
Examples (200 in total)
He is a good student.
Are you a teacher or a student?
I am not a student.
He's a high school student.
Students don't raise their hands much.
John is a good student.
Ken is an eager student.
He's popular with the students.
That student is Tom.
They were unmanageable pupils.
What is the total number of students?
They are the pupils of our school.
That student was there.
Many of the students were tired.
The teacher is strict with his students.
That student is very fast at running, isn't he?
The teacher took notice of the student's mistake.
The students asked questions one after another.
The thunder frightened the students.
All of the students stood up together.
The students are looking forward to the summer vacation.
There were some students in the classroom.
He has a bad reputation with his students.
A number of students are absent today.
They are both good students.
The students of this school are kind.
There are a lot of students in the gym.
There are some students in the schoolyard.
Any student can answer that question.
Each student has a locker.
Can foreign students join this club?
A teacher must be fair with his students.
I just can't memorize students' names.
The books were taken away by the students.
Every student knows the school song.
She called the students into the room.
The teacher called each student by name.
The students sat quiet all the time.
This school has many students.
Many students bought the book.
Your student called me.
He was sitting surrounded by the students.
While the teacher was teaching, the students slept.
No student went to the party.
The teacher pointed out the students' mistakes.
She is proud of her students.
There are about a thousand students in all.
Any student can solve this problem.
Many of the students got bored and fell asleep.
The teacher scolded his students severely.
None of the students were late for school.
What a clever student you are!
Several students were absent from school because of colds.
All the students like holidays.
He is greatly respected by his students.
He is no ordinary student.
Some students like baseball, and others like soccer.
All the students in my class are friendly.
That student raised his hand to ask a question.
All the students go home early on Saturday.
The teacher caught the student sleeping in class.
Teachers should deal fairly with their students.
Mr George is liked by all the students.
Many students live in the suburbs of the city.
The teacher and the students are at the art museum.
The students must not enter the teachers' room this week.
The teacher is likely to get angry with the students.
He praised the pupil for his honesty.
This school supplies students with textbooks.
He was an excellent student, so far as I'm aware.
Some students go to school on foot, and others by bus.
The whole school agreed to the proposal.
Students must not use this toilet.
The teacher distributed the handouts to the students.
No student in our class is as smart as Kate.
He left his students these famous words.
The students bowed to their teacher.
The teacher treated all the students fairly.
The French teacher was stumped by her student's question.
There aren't many students who can read Latin.
Some students are not interested in Japanese history.
It is the students' duty to clean their classrooms.
A lot of students struggle with math in school.
Ten students were caught cheating.
The teacher did not permit the students to leave the lecture hall.
The student was punished for smoking.
Almost all of the pupils were in the classroom.
I don't think any more students want to come.
Almost all the students believed the rumor.
Half of my class like dogs.
Every student in the class knows that fact.
The students said the story was too difficult.
The teacher didn't let the students ask any questions.
He told the students to be quiet.
His poor song was laughed at by all the students.
The students made her life happy.
You and I are both students at this school.
The teacher gathered his students around him.
If you study hard, you will become a good student.
The students stood up one by one and introduced themselves.
He works as hard as any other student.
Not many students attended the meeting.
Generally speaking, the students of this class are very good.
The student missed class three times in a row.
The students are very busy in preparation for the school festival.
Last week five students were absent from class.
Any student in our college can use the computer.
The student skipped class three times in a row.
Some students looked at her with tears in their eyes.
Not every student has a dictionary.
Every student has to leave school by six.
All the students in the class like Mr. Smith.
Tom is more hardworking than any other student in his class.
He is a student who I am teaching English this year.
Students stand up when their teacher enters.
The school rules require students to wear school uniforms.
Not all the students of this school go on to university.
There is a wide gap in the opinions between the two students.
School children have colds twice as often as adults.
The students held the male student down and cut his hair with a pair of scissors.
As far as I know, he used to be a good student.
The students did the work themselves.
Few students could understand what he said.
Each of these students has his or her own opinion.
The number of students who were late for school was much smaller than I had expected.
The student has already solved all the problems.
You're probably the smartest student in our class.
A teacher should never make fun of a student who makes a mistake.
I saw the students cleaning their classroom after school.
The teachers are trying to motivate their students.
Only a few students understood the matter.
Good students always keep their desk clean.
The two teachers had an equal number of students.
He's a student who I'm teaching English to this year.
The pupils absorbed all the knowledge the teacher gave them.
The students were highly pleased at the news.
Both those students passed all the tests.
No student is allowed to enter the room.
The students went to the baseball game along with their teacher.
I heard some students complain about the homework.
None of the students like tests at school.
She adapted her teaching method to slow learners.
The teacher has a great influence on his pupils.
With respect to pronunciation, he was the best of all the students.
Teachers should treat all their students impartially.
It is common for students to go to school without eating breakfast.
The teacher told his pupils not to forget that lesson.
A clever student can answer such a question easily.
Jane saw the students acting well on the stage.
Even the cleverest students can make silly mistakes.
The teacher often emphasizes that students should have courage.
The students apologized to the teacher for being late to class.
The teacher wrote a short comment on each student's paper.
These girls, who're my pupils, have come to see me.
Your students have given us new hope.
The teacher urged the students to answer more clearly.
I have to study hard to keep up with the other students.
That is why all the students in the class agreed with him.
He comes to school earlier than any other student in the class.
A group of foreign students visited Akira's high school.
Some of the students like to draw pictures.
It was clear that the lazy student would never live up to his family's expectations.
That is why so many students are absent today.
This school sets high moral standards for pupils.
It was a surprise to see all the students behaving with decorum on prom night.
The new teacher was a disappointment to the class.
Every student must learn a poem and recite it in front of the class.
There is no one who has been loved by the students more than Mr Jones.
Few students are interested in reading this novel.
We use the same classroom for two different groups of students each day.
As soon as I entered the class, the students started asking questions.
The students were told to turn in reports by the next day.
The teacher asked the students to practice the dialogue in pairs.
The teacher punished her students for using bad words.
Homeroom teachers should make every effort to keep in touch with their students.
A few students were left behind.
How many students are on the list?
At most 40 percent of students go on to university.
There were more than 100 students there.
There are 35 students in this class.
Are your opinions representative of those of the other students?
How many students are there in your class?
The number of students in this class is limited to 15.
The students parted into three groups.
Our class is made up of 30 students.
The students range in age from 18 to 25.
The students seem to be sleepy today.
The class consists of 50 boys.
Our class consists of thirty students.
A good teacher must be patient with his pupils.
Taro is taller than any other boy in his class.
Even the brightest student couldn't solve the problem.
I use numbered index cards for each student.
She calculates faster than any other student.
That teacher sometimes hits his students, but no one complains.
The students are happy, but the teachers are not.
Every student trusts Mr Akai because he never breaks his word.
Out of twenty students, only one had read the book.
Ms. Takada accused the boy of copying another student's homework.
Some of the students played tennis, and the others played volleyball.