Verb (する)
1. living; life (one's daily existence); livelihood
Pitch accent
Composed of
life; living
living; life; judo art of resuscitation; action; activity
Used in vocabulary (110 in total)
living expenses
one's private life
sex life; sexual activities
daily necessities; goods for everyday life
everyday life; daily life
eating habits
living together; communal life; cohabitation
wedded life; married life
student (college) life
lived-in feel (e.g. of a room); sense of life; hints of daily life
one's (living) environment
civic guidance; non-curricular educational guidance; medical guidance
way of living; manner of living; lifestyle
lifestyle; way of living
life in a dormitory; dormitory life
livelihood protection; public assistance; welfare
daily supplies; daily necessities; household items; housewares
one's daily milieu; neighbourhood; neighborhood; zone of life; sphere of life
daily (living) necessities; necessities; essentials for life
newly-married life
life on the run
vitality; ability to earn a living
living in a group; communal living; community life
one's lifestyle
standard of living
home (family, domestic) life
consumer; ordinary citizen; stakeholder; person who lives on (e.g. situation, income, place)
practical side of life
daily life noise; household noises; noise that arises at home from everyday occurrences
an ascetic existence; (leading) a continent life; abstinence
life's struggles
source of one's livelihood; one's bread and butter
bachelor's life; life of a bachelor
a reclusive life; living secluded from the world; leading a sequestered life
one's life under medical treatment; (means and time spent) fighting against an illness
spiritual life; inner life; mental life
the life of the people; the people's living
(leading) a vagabond life; (leading) a wandering existence
living necessities; everyday commodities; daily commodities; everyday goods; subsistence goods
lifestyle; way of life; daily goings-on; daily habits
city life; urban living
art of living; way of life
life of faith; religious life
living on the street; life on the streets; homelessness
domestic wastewater; household effluent
life cycle; life history
one's life as a consumer
(living on a) pension; annuity
difficulties in living
contemporary life; present-day life
life in a foreign country; living abroad
plan for one's life; life planning
living in evacuation shelters
livelihood support; maintenance
culture of everyday life
the inner life
residential road; residential street; neighborhood road
one's philosophy of life
means of living
living in another person's house without paying for food and lodging; sponging on other people for accommodation
worry (uncertainty, uneasiness, insecurity) about one's life (future)
way of life
person in need; person facing economic hardship
fast living; dissipated life; riotous life
monasticism; monastic life
linguistic aspects of life; linguistic behaviour
hard life; life of austerity
an aesthetic existence
writing life; period of life spent writing
suburban life; life in the suburbs
kindergarten or nursery school dance and song performance (usu. at year-end)
public life
Livelihood Protection Law
lifestyle magazine
socio-environmental studies; life environment studies
consumers' cooperative; cooperative; co-op; cooperative association
chronological age
material life; material aspects of life
livelihood assistance
community life; local life; regional life; integration in the community; living in the local community (social work)
daily life noise; (excessive) noise that arises at home from everyday occurrences
national life; civic life
manner of housing
selling one's personal effects in order to live (like peeling the layers of a bamboo shoot one by one)
life free from worldly cares
a life given up to pleasure; pleasure-seeking lifestyle
(working) overtime to make ends meet (to support one's lifestyle)
a fast (dissolute) life; a life of follies; a life given to dissolute pleasures
living in seclusion; retired from the world
life of meditation; contemplative life
private-sphere language; language used in every day life; dialect
Examples (157 in total)
I want stability in my life.
Is life here hard?
I can't imagine such a life.