1. pure; undiluted; raw; crude
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (22 in total)
cloth; fabric; dough; batter; inherent quality; one's true character; unglazed pottery
overserious; deeply sincere; very earnest
virgin; innocent young woman
raw silk thread
unbleached cloth; unbleached colour (color); unbleached; undyed
straight-forwardness; honesty; purity
straight (e.g. whiskey)
pure; genuine; trueborn; natural-born
green coffee bean
overserious; deeply sincere; very earnest
100% buckwheat soba; soba made from buckwheat flour only, without the addition of wheat flour
to drink (whisky, whiskey) straight
100% buckwheat soba; soba made from buckwheat flour only, without the addition of wheat flour
crude Japan wax
crude Japan wax
young man unknowing of women; male virgin
unrefined sap of the lacquer tree
unbleached cloth; unbleached colour (color); unbleached; undyed
traditional sake yeast mash starter; oldest surviving traditional style of sake making
traditional sake yeast mash starter; oldest surviving traditional style of sake making
unbleached cotton cloth