1. justice; right; righteousness
2. correct meaning; correct explanation
usu. in titles of annotated editions of Confucian classics
Pitch accent
Composed of
(logical) true; regular; 10^40; ten thousand undecillion; original; positive
morality; righteousness; meaning; teachings; doctrine; nonconsanguineous relationship (i.e. of in-laws)
Used in vocabulary (8 in total)
champion of justice; knight in shining armor; crime avenger; hero; super hero
sense of justice
just person; man of justice; righteous person; upright person
social justice
in the name of justice
poetic justice; retributive justice
distributive justice; justitia distributiva
climate justice; climate change as an ethical and political issue
Examples (7 in total)
He is justice.
There's no justice in this world.
The objective of law is justice.