Adjective (な)
1. accurate; correct; precise; exact
Pitch accent
Composed of
(logical) true; regular; 10^40; ten thousand undecillion; original; positive
certain; definite
Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
unmatched (unparalleled) accuracy
uncertainty; inaccuracy; incorrectness
Examples (62 in total)
I do not know exactly.
Is this accurate?
Where exactly did you go?
Is that correct information?
He is accurate in his judgement.
I'd like to know the exact time.
He is accurate in his observation.
Exactly how many times did you do that?
What is the exact time?
Accuracy is important in arithmetic.
Please tell me the exact time.
Where exactly did you find that?
I can't recall the exact words.
The clock on that tower is accurate.
He writes correct English.
The correctness of the information is doubtful.
The clock is accurate and reliable.
Answer accurately in one go.
This watch keeps accurate time.
Specifically, I'm a university lecturer.
I don't know exactly how or why that happened.
I don't know exactly when I'll be back.
He is very accurate in his work.
I don't remember my father's face accurately.
It is difficult to convey the meaning exactly.
I know the exact time when that happened.
Give me an accurate report of what happened.
I don't know exactly when he will arrive.
I don't know the exact length of this bridge.
He was proud of his punctuality.
This data isn't accurate at all.
Your analysis of the situation is accurate.
What's the precise meaning of that word?
There is no telling exactly when the earth was born.
I don't remember my grandmother's face accurately.
He described exactly what happened.
She is precise in keeping appointments.
Precision in measurement is a necessity.
His answer is far from right.
We estimated the losses as exactly as possible.
In most cases, his answers are right.
Above all, logic requires precise definitions.
The sentence is not grammatically accurate.
I don't know the exact place where I was born.
Tell me exactly where he lives.
We broke up. To be precise, she broke up with me.
He accurately described what happened there.
No one knows exactly where Tom will go.
Above all, scientific terms call for precise definitions.
I began to doubt the accuracy of his statement.
Marie does not know exactly where she was born.
Some people would question the truth of such rumors.
Tell me the exact time when the next train will arrive.
Your answer to the question is not correct.
The manager gave the precise answer which I was looking for.
The calorie is an exact measure of the energy in food.
This course will help you master correct pronunciation.
As usual, Mike turned up on time. He's very punctual.
The exact temperature is 22.68 degrees Celsius.
I forgot what the exact price was, but it was about 170 dollars.
I don't remember exactly, but I spent over 1000 euros.
Office managers expect accuracy, efficiency, and dedication.