1. star (usu. not including the Sun); planet (usu. not including Earth); heavenly body
2. star (glyph, symbol, shape)
3. star (actor, player, etc.)
4. small dot; spot; fleck
5. star point (in go); hoshi; intersection marked with a dot
6. perp; perpetrator; mark; offender; suspect
police slang
7. bullseye
8. one's star (that determines one's fate); one's fortune
9. point; score
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 1500
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
peanut worm (any worm of phylum Sipuncula)
Examples (64 in total)
The stars came out.
He looked up at the stars.
The stars were beginning to appear.
The stars are shining in the sky.
Stars cannot be seen in the daytime.
It is interesting to watch stars.
The stars were twinkling in the sky.
Stars shine above in the sky.
Kathy is gazing at the stars.
Your eyes are like stars.
This is a story about stars.
Not a star was to be seen in the sky.
You can see a lot of stars in the sky.
The sky was full of stars.
Stars began to appear in the sky.
Many stars were shining in the heavens.
He discovered a new star.
The sun is the brightest star.
Do you think that Earth is a beautiful planet?
The moon and stars were shining above us.
Last night, we watched the stars from the rooftop.
Numerous stars were visible in the sky.
What's the difference between a star and a planet?
Countless stars twinkled in the night sky.
Thousands of stars shone in the heavens.
Many stars are twinkling in the sky.
Not a star was to be seen that night.
You can see stars with a telescope.
The stars shone all the time.
How many stars are there in the sky?
Can these stars be seen in Australia?
We can see many stars tonight.
There are innumerable stars in the galaxy.
Some stars began to appear in the night sky.
Your eyes remind me of stars.
There are as many men as there are stars.
That small star is the brightest.
A lot of stars are visible at night in summer.
At night we can see more stars than in Tokyo.
Do you believe our destinies are controlled by the stars?
There was a big gold star on the door.
Stars can be seen clearly in this area.
There are billions of stars in the sky.
These cookies are star-shaped.
We can see thousands of stars in the sky.
That blue-white shining star is Sirius.
There were countless stars in the sky.
Our ancestors knew how to read the stars.
What do the stars mean on the flag of Brazil?
The night sky was dark blue, and the stars were twinkling.
Tom put a star on top of the Christmas tree.
The stars are shining very brightly in the sky tonight.
As the sun rose, the stars faded away.
The star is so bright as to be seen with the naked eye.
The star which shines up there is Jupiter.
He studies astronomy, or the science of stars.
Early explorers used the stars for navigation.
There are a lot of stars which are larger than our sun.
You can see millions of stars on this hill.
The stars twinkling in the night sky looked like jewels.
They shone like stars in the dark, dirty building.
The stars are spread all over the night sky.
The sun, moon, and stars are all part of the universe.
The third star belonged to a certain king.