Verb (する)
1. sorting; arrangement; organization; putting in order; adjustment; regulation
2. liquidation; settlement; consolidation; clearance (e.g. debt); paying off
3. retrenchment; curtailment; cutting down; disposal
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (33 in total)
loan shark who specializes in refinancing debts
numbered ticket (e.g. to determine order of service in shop, etc.); zone ticket; boarding ticket; bus ticket dispensed at boarding, used to show where one boarded
keeping things tidy and in order
filing (documents, etc.)
traffic control
estate sale; estate liquidation
land readjustment; town planning
putting one's affairs in order; ordering one's affairs; tidying up
adjustment of debts; debt-workout; consolidation of debts; settlement of debts
pending; incomplete
workforce reduction; personnel cut
liquidation (of a company); finishing remaining business
reference number
bureau; chest of drawers; cabinet
rearrangement; reorganization; recounting (an event)
copyreading department
cooling down (exercises)
voluntary liquidation; winding-up
redeployment of arable land
restructuring termination (of employment); dismissal due to economic conditions
legal liquidation; court-mediated winding-up of a company
procedures to determine the points at issue; pre-trial mutual disclosure and discussion of the points of contention
processing service; processing work
reorganizing an industry or enterprise and weeding out redundant workers; readjustment and retrenchment
voluntary liquidation; winding-up
voluntary liquidation; winding-up
clearance sale
liquidation of speculative accounts
reorganization; restructuring
competitive control processing
cleaning up one's follow list (by removing accounts; on social media); managing one's follows
Examples (6 in total)
I had my brother put this room in order.
Always keep your office tidy.
You must keep your room tidy.