1. government; administration
Pitch accent
Composed of
rule; government
(metropolitan) prefecture (of Osaka and Kyoto); the centre or seat (of) (center); (government) office; fu; historical administrative unit in China, Korea and Vietnam
Used in vocabulary (52 in total)
Japanese government
new government; new administration
government forces; government troops
federal government (e.g. USA, Australia, Mexico, Germany, Canada)
world government
self-government; autonomous government; devolved government (e.g. in the UK)
government body; government agency
the government; Administration
central government
provisional government
high (government) official
revolutionary government
governments of various nations of the world
state government
government sources; official quarters
Nationalist Government (of China; i.e. under the Kuomintang)
interim government; provisional government; caretaker government
government-affiliated; state-dominated; government-run
small government; limited government
both governments
U.S. government
government property; government owned
ministerial aide; government delegate
government bill
Official Development Assistance; ODA
government expenditure
government plane (esp. for transporting senior politicians, etc.)
big government
provisional government
military government
puppet government
government of the Qing dynasty; Qing government
Chongqing government; Kuomintang government based in Chongqing during the Second Sino-Japanese War
government intervention
government-managed health insurance
government-guaranteed bond
Soviet Government
authoritarian government
legitimate government
emergency government
local government
government funding; government-financed
government-managed insurance
Government of the Ryukyu Islands (1952-1972)
United States Military Government of the Ryukyu Islands (1945-1950)
United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (1950-1972); USCAR
government shutdown
government-backed institution; government sponsored enterprise; GSE
Examples (71 in total)
They have elected a new government.
The army took over the government.
The government has been reforming education.