1. political measures; policy
Pitch accent
Composed of
rule; government
plan; policy; means; fifth principle of the Eight Principles of Yong; right upward flick
Used in vocabulary (68 in total)
policy of keeping the people ignorant and easily subjugated
economic policy
Examples (20 in total)
Your policy is mistaken.
A fiscal tightening policy is being enacted.
He had decided on a new policy.
The government's domestic policy was announced.
The war resulted from a mistaken policy.
His policy was in advance of his times.
Public opinion is opposed to the policy.
The policy of the government was criticized by the opposition party.
Are you in favor of or against that policy?
There have been a lot of complaints about that policy.
I don't agree with the government's policy on education.
He attacked the government's policy in his speech.
The policy will only accelerate inflation.
This measure is in accord with our policy.
We have to conclude that the policy is a failure.
Prices rose drastically as a result of this policy.
The new birth policy is aimed at achieving zero population growth.
It was decided that the new political party's name would be "Policy over Politics".
It is hoped that this new policy will create jobs on a large scale.
He argued that the new policy was bound to drive the economy into recession.