1. (political) administration; political power
Pitch accent
Composed of
rule; government
right (to do something); authority; power
Used in vocabulary (24 in total)
current administration; present government
change of government; regime change
military regime
to come to power; to assume the reins of government
puppet government; puppet regime
under the ... administration; within the ... government
government in exile
suffrage; franchise
executive power; authority
political power struggle
running a government administration; managing a cabinet
coalition government
samurai government
interim government; provisional government; caretaker government
communist regime; communist government
political party in power
coalition government
planning a new government; plan for a new administration
conservative government; conservative administration
policy statement; manifesto
one who is obsessed with (getting into, holding on to) political power; one who is obsessed with the idea of taking over government
administration established through an unprincipled political coalition; government of convenience; cabinet created through an unholy alliance
Examples (3 in total)
His regime is bound to collapse.
The obsolete regime is about to collapse.
Communists took power in China in 1949.