Verb (する)
1. growth; development; growing up; becoming an adult
2. growth (of a company, the economy, etc.)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
growth period; growing season
Examples (41 in total)
You've grown up.
Children grow very quickly.
His children have grown up.
The Japanese economy developed rapidly.
The population is increasing and the economy is growing.
He grew up to be an engineer.
Fred grew up to be a surgeon.
She grew up to be a veterinarian.
Childhood is a period of rapid growth.
The market for luxury goods is growing fast.
The tree grew very tall.
A small village grew into a large city.
He grew up to be a great person.
The boy observed the growth of the plant.
He has grown up to be a fine gentleman.
That he grew up in China is well-known.
His effort contributed to my company's growth.
The boy grew up to be a famous scientist.
The medicine hastened the process of growth.
He grew up to be a fine youth.
The girl grew up to be a pianist.
Jane grew up to be a fine lady.
This fruit's not ripe enough to pick yet.
It was surprising to see how fast the child grew up.
The boy grew up to be a great statesman.
We know how food affects growth.
The climate affected the growth of trees and plants.
The boy grew up to be a famous musician.
He grew up to be a famous musician in later years.
The economy of the country kept growing for years.
She grew up to be a lovely woman like her mother.
The older he grew, the more attractive he became.
Price increases explain the difference between the real and nominal growth rates.
The rapid growth of the firm was attributed to its unique strategy.
Fruit trees require a large amount of space in which to grow.
The Chinese automotive import market shows signs of slight growth.
Fair competition is necessary for the healthy growth of industry.
The Japanese economy grew by 4% last year.
A child develops rapidly between the ages of 13 and 16.
I didn't know apple trees grow from seeds.
A quarterly growth of 1.2% means an annual growth rate of 4.8%.