1. force; vigor; vigour; energy; spirit; life
2. influence; authority; power; might
3. impetus; momentum; course (of events)
4. naturally; necessarily
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (8 in total)
vigorously; with great force; energetically; enthusiastically; with spirit
with great vigour; in leaps and bounds; (lit.) with the force of surging waves
(with) great vigour (from the way splitting bamboo goes all down the stick); irresistible force
great vigor; tremendous energy; (lit.) forceful enough to knock down birds in flight
natural tendency; natural course of events; force of circumstances
having no choice but to carry on; having no choice but to go on; being unable to change one's course of action; (lit.) (with the) momentum of (a man) riding a tiger
great vigor; tremendous energy; (lit.) forceful enough to knock down birds in flight
Examples (1 in total)
The typhoon gathered strength.