1. energy
2. military strength
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (44 in total)
power; might; authority; spirits; vigor; vigour
tendency; trend
fervour; fervor; vigour; vigor; ardour; ardor
grand; luxurious; great; large; (arch.) very; (arch.) greatly
array; muster; line-up; full force
superiority; superior power; predominance; preponderance
surplus power; momentum; impetus; inertia
influence; power; might; strength; potency; force
Mahasthamaprapta (bodhisattva)
state of an illness; condition of a patient
posture; stance
attitude; posture; preparedness; readiness
state of things; state of affairs; condition; situation; circumstances
assistance; backing; reinforcements
condition; situation; prospects
bluff; false show of power; bold front
(trend of) the times; current of the times; spirit of the age
power; influence
fortune; luck
general situation; general trend; general tendency; way things are moving; current (of the times); tide (e.g. of public opinion)
state (of affairs); condition; developments; movements
encouragement; backing; reinforcements
force of a fire; force of flames
enemy's strength or fighting power
force; power; influence
emphasis (e.g. placed on a word); stress; tone (of voice)
force of water (current, stream, jet, etc.)
numerical inferiority; being outnumbered
signs of defeat; adverse situation
(favorable) odds
bluff; deceiving an enemy
stress; accent; emphasis
strength of a party
current state; present or actual strength
increasing trend
city conditions; municipal census
inferiority; weakness
prefectural strengths (conditions, resources)
force of a literary style
great strength; courageous army; valiant troops
trend; tendency
influential family; the man in power
influential family; the man in power