Adjective (の)
1. system; institution; organization; organisation
Pitch accent
Composed of
system; organization; organisation; imperial command; laws; regulation
degree (angle, temperature, scale, etc.); counter for occurrences; strength (of glasses); glasses prescription; alcohol content (percentage); alcohol by volume; extent
Used in vocabulary (110 in total)
class system
social system
feudal system; feudalism
class system; caste system; hierarchical system
educational system; school system
a family system
political system; political institution; regime
capital punishment
systematic implementation; institutionalization (e.g. way, method)
justice system
new system
health care system
legal system
monetary system; currency system
social security system
an apprentice system; apprenticeship
citizen judge system; lay judge system; quasi-jury system
electoral system
conscription; draft system
pension system (scheme)
tax system
insurance regime
mail system; postal service; postal system; post
old system; old order
reimbursement system for high-cost medical care
cabinet system; cabinet government
private ownership system
managed currency system
personnel system
county and prefecture system
uji-kabane system; system of clans and hereditary titles (of the Yamato court)
Japanese household legal structure (1898-1947)
health insurance system
feed-in tariff system (e.g. solar power); fixed price purchase system
manorial system
patriarchal system
medical insurance system
contract system
(US) Federal Reserve System
(Japanese) system of lifetime employment
retirement benefit system; retirement system; retirement plan
early retirement program; early retirement programme
one country, two systems (Chinese policy allowing for areas such as Hong Kong to maintain their own economic and administrative systems)
mandatory retirement age (system)
discount system; discount arrangement
national identification number system; My number system
resale system
internship system
nursing-care insurance system
university system
corporate pension plan
employment system
terauke system; system established by the Edo shogunate that required citizens to register with a temple in order to prove their Buddhist (i.e. non-Christian) faith
deposit insurance system
point system; credit system
school grouping system
clinical internship system
institutionalism; institutional school
criminal justice system
parliamentary system
parliamentary system
bicameral system
seniority rule
gold bullion standard
gold bullion standard
an import quota system
system of universal conscription
family or clan system
the spoils system
unit credit system
public health system
tender offer; take-over bid; TOB
civil legal aid system (e.g. legal aid for poor people)
European System of Central Banks; ESCB
national health insurance program (programme)
mark-to-market accounting system
official injury exemption system; system for exempting players injured in an official match from pay reduction or demotion
individual championship system
the system in government offices and business corporations in which draft proposals are prepared by someone in charge of the matter and circulated for collective deliberation and final approval by particular (designated) officials or executives
European Monetary System; EMS
legal reserve system (USA); reserve deposit requirement system
(Japanese) land registration system
gold exchange standard system
committee system; commission system
emergency braking procedure (e.g. during driver training and testing)
system of self-management; honour system
system that allows for the construction of highways and buildings in the same space
single-seat constituency system
consolidated taxation system; consolidated tax payment system
gold standard system
leniency policy; addition to Japan's antitrust law that allows lower fines for the first company involved in a cartel, etc. to admit their involvement
assistance funding system
institutional fatigue; systemic fatigue
technical intern training program (for foreigners)
Nippon Individual Savings Account; NISA
fixed-price purchase system (electricity); feed-in tariff system
accumulated stock investment plan
Examples (7 in total)
There is no room for further improvement in this system.
Money circulates through the banking system.
The social welfare system is in bad need of renovation.