1. system; organization; organisation; imperial command; laws; regulation; control; government; suppression; restraint; holding back; establishment
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (209 in total)
order; system; structure; set-up; organization; organisation
system; institution; organization; organisation
new system
control (of a machine, device, etc.); control (over an opponent, one's emotions, etc.); governing; management
conquest; domination; mastery
parliamentary system of government
gaining total control (of people or counties); suppression; oppression; control; mastery; ascendancy
check; keeping in check; containment (of enemy forces); diversionary action; pickoff throw; holding a runner on base
republic; republicanism
legislation; laws
democracy; democratic system of government
constitutional monarchy; limited monarchy
compulsion; coercion; forcing (to do); enforcement
work (film, book); production; creation; turning (something) out
limitation; restriction; condition; constraints
control (by the state); controlling; coordination; air traffic control
self control; self restraint
sanctions; punishment
head start; initiative; preemption
braking (mechanism)
organization; organisation; forming
system where all students live in dormitories; residential system; boarding system (e.g. boarding school)
shift system
prohibition; ban; embargo
regulation cap; school cap
despotism; autocracy
defined style; predetermined style; official style; rule
new order; new system
hereditary system; hereditary succession
tax system
monarchical system
mastery of the air
part time (school system)
management system
feudal system; feudalism
reservation system; appointment system; (on) a subscription basis
the Emperor System
parliamentary system
military system; military organization; military organisation
old system; old order
roadside prohibition-edict boards
license system; licence system; permit system; approval basis
government-regulated organization or facility, etc. (organisation)
rationing; rationing system
military system
soft and fair goes far; willows are weak, yet they bind other wood
the full-day (school system)
office organization; office organisation; management; managerial post
gold standard system
five-day workweek system; five-day school-week; having two days off in at least one week of a month
class system
commission system
regulation; legislation
educational or school system
selective system; system that offers choices
ritsuryo system (ancient East Asian system of centralized governance; in Japan: esp. 7th-10th century)
system of guilt by association (especially that of Japanese election law, which stipulates that an elected official may lose his position if someone in his campaign commits a crime)
art project which is done in place of a graduation thesis at a college of arts
parliamentary democracy
fight fire with fire; set a thief to catch a thief; fight one evil with another
rotation system
license system; licence system
(pitcher's) control
points system
federal system
town organization; town organisation; town administration
return system; tax payment by self-assessment; declaration system
patriarchy; system of patriarchy
bicameral system
monopoly system; government monopoly
presidential system; presidential government
pay-your-own-way (party, etc.)
legal fiction
annual salary scheme
a self-supporting accounting system
mandatory retirement system; age-limit retirement system
two-term system
proportional representation
the early bird gets the worm
around-the-clock system
floating exchange rate system
sōryō system; organization of regional landholding families based on divided inheritance under the leadership of a main heir, usu. the eldest son (Kamakura period)
municipal organization; municipal organisation; municipality
victory; championship
rate structure
grid city plan used for the Imperial capital
representative system
vibration control (in earthquake-resistant construction)
anti-acid preparation
single-seat constituency system
administrative reform proposal, involving integration of prefectures into 7 or 9 states
one-drink minimum (at a restaurant, karaoke-bar, etc.)
primitive communism
silver standard system
flexible work hours; flexi-time
measured rate system; cost charged by quantity; pay-as-you-go; pay-for-use
unicameral system; unicameralism
(Japanese) system of lifetime employment
control of passions; control of appetite
popular election system
Cabinet Legislation Bureau
manorial system
county system
leadership organization; leadership organisation
electoral system allowing for the election of multiple candidates from one district; multi-member constituent electoral system
bicameral constitution; bicameralism; bicameral system
national citizen identification number system
fixed exchange rate system
antitumor; anticancer; anticarcinogenic; carcinostatic
to control foreigners by foreigners; to play one barbarian state against another
manorial system; manorialism
company consisting of autonomous divisions
job ranking system
system of land subdivision in ancient Japan
gastric antacid
jury system
electoral system comprised of single-seat constituencies and proportionally represented multiple-seat constituencies
system of rule during the Yamato period
office system where employees are free to change desk
eight-hour day
eight-hour day
Director-General of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau
school district system
dual price system
section system (companies)
coeducational plan
minimum wage system
decimal system
forbidden kanji
two-shift work program (programme)
monetary system; currency
six-three system of education (six years of elementary school, followed by three years of junior high school)
system under which schoolteachers are assigned additional administrative duties
an import quota system
municipal system
tariff quota system
vocational representation system
floating exchange rate system; flexible exchange rate system
birth control
sliding scale system
pool system
link system
managed float system
spoils system
(Japanese) electoral system allowing for the election of from 3 to 5 candidates from one district
prefectural system (as existed from 1890-1947)
union shop system (employment of only union members)
open shop system (employment of both unionists and non-unionists)
closed shop system (employment of only union members)
fixed exchange rate system
diffuser; air supply outlet in air-conditioning system
(mobile phone) number portability (introduced to Japan in October 2005)
township-neighbourhood system (redefining the province-district-neighbourhood system, establishing 50-home townships of 2-3 neighbourhoods each; 715-740 CE)
symbolic emperor system
indirect electoral system
patrilineal system; patriliny
ranking system based on dan and kyū (in martial arts, go, shogi, etc.)
ranking system based on dan and kyū (in martial arts, go, shogi, etc.)
system of one-party rule; system of single-party rule
land taxation system
water regulating valve; gate valve
antiperspirant; antisudorific
segmented body plan; segmentation; metamerism
six-day workweek system
system of using different starting lineups for different matches (in soccer)
caliphate; caliphate state
rugby sevens; seven-a-side rugby
quota system
quota system
dominant-party system; one-party dominant system
eight-hour working day system
eight-hour working day system
joint consultation system
one country, two systems (Chinese policy)
Examples (2 in total)
They are paid by the day.
We work on a piecework basis.