Adjective (の)
1. generation; the world; the age
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (21 in total)
same generation; one's generation
next generation; future generation
alternation of generations
generation of students educated under the "pressure-free" system (from the late 1970s onward)
baby boom generation (of 1947-1949)
the babyboomers; the baby boom generation
working generation; people still working
millennial generation
enlightened generation; millennial generation lacking ambition and material desire
older generation
generation of young people (esp. of the 1970s) apathetic about social issues
Fifth Generation Computer System; FGCS
intergenerational; of different generations
generation ship (science fiction); interstellar ark
generation comprising those who were children during WW2 (in Japan)
generation management
relative generation number
fourth generation language; 4GL
thumb tribe; thumb generation; people who are constantly typing on their phones with their thumbs
Examples (15 in total)
I don't understand your generation.
Rock and roll was a creation of the young generation.
My parents' generation went through the war.