1. world; society; people; the public
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
small talk; chat; gossip
ignorant of the ways of the world
the world in general; society; convention
public (attention, recognition, etc.); social (standing, acceptance, etc.); worldly (fame, desires, etc.)
appearance (in the eyes of society); decency
world; society
spotlight; public eye; public's attention; goldfish bowl
ordinary (esp. life or behavior); typical; conventional; standard; average
this world; earthly world; secular society; ordinary world; everyday life; workaday world
worldly wise; sophisticated; street smart; knowledge of the world (acquired in the school of hard knocks); toughness
becoming unworldly; being free from worldliness; not keeping up with social norms
worldly wisdom; knowledge of the ways of the world
what people say; gossip; rumours; rumors
common knowledge; widely known; known to everybody
though it seems big, it's a small world
all people aren't evil; don't distrust everyone; there is kindness to be found everywhere
Examples (8 in total)
The world is harsh.
He is known to the public.
I'm what the world calls an idiot.