Adjective (な)
Adjective (の)
1. horizontal; level; even
Pitch accent
Composed of
Wednesday; shaved ice (served with flavored syrup); water (fifth of the five elements)
nth year in the Heisei era (1989.1.8-2019.4.30)
Used in vocabulary (21 in total)
horizon (related to bodies of water)
horizontal plane
horizontal direction
horizontal distance
horizontal plane; level surface
tailplane; horizontal stabilizer; horizontal stabiliser
lateral thinking
level; spirit level
horizontal axis
horizontal movement
Burakumin rights organization formed in 1922
involvement of peer groups (Quality Assurance term); application to similar products; grassroots (organization, development, movement)
horizontal tabulation; HT
horizontal pitch
longitudinal magnetic recording
Horizontal Redundancy Check
horizontal scanning frequency
horizontal distribution
Examples (1 in total)
The bench used for a bench press is usually level.