Adjective (の)
1. underwater
Pitch accent
Composed of
Wednesday; shaved ice (served with flavored syrup); water (fifth of the five elements)
medium; average; moderation; middle school; China; volume two (of three); during (a certain time when one did or is doing something)
Used in vocabulary (11 in total)
diving goggles; swimming goggles; face mask; hydroscope
speargun; underwater gun
Examples (10 in total)
Can you swim underwater?
A rope was thrown into the water.
Seals sleep underwater.
The fisherman cast his line into the water.
The fisherman cast the fishing line into the water.
He went into the water before me.
I cannot live in water. I'm not a fish.
This device allows humans to breathe underwater.
Do you have underwater photography equipment?
Acid rain in drinking water affects human health.