Adjective (の)
1. mercury (Hg)
Pitch accent
Composed of
Wednesday; shaved ice (served with flavored syrup); water (fifth of the five elements)
silver (Ag); silver coin; money; silver medal; silver colour; silver color
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
mercury lamp
mercury poisoning
methylmercury; methyl mercury
column of mercury
organic mercury
mercurials (drugs containing mercury)
mercury sulfide (esp. mercuric sulfide, HgS, but also mercurous sulfide, Hg2S) (sulphide)
mercury barometer
mercury thermometer
mercury chloride
mercury cyanide
mercury arc valve; mercury vapor rectifier
mercurous oxide (Hg2O); mercuric oxide (HgO)
native mercury (natural mercury found associated with cinnabar)
mercury fulminate
mercury intrusion; mercury penetration; mercury porosimetry