Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. swimming
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (8 in total)
swimming in the middle of winter or the cold season
swimming or bathing cap
Examples (33 in total)
Swimming is healthy.
I used to like swimming.
I like swimming.
I'm not very good at swimming.
Swimming is my hobby.
He is adept in swimming.
I like swimming and playing basketball.
Swimming makes your legs strong.
I belong to the swimming club.
I am very tired from swimming.
I really don't like swimming.
But my older sister is good at swimming.
He holds a record in swimming.
Swimming is a very useful skill.
Swimming is good exercise for the whole body.
Swimming is prohibited here.
We enjoyed swimming in the lake.
Is Mike a member of the swimming club?
He likes swimming above all.
The little children looked tired from swimming.
I like swimming, but I don't want to swim here.
Swimming is my favorite sport.
John represented his class in the swimming match.
Mary and I both like swimming.
Tom isn't really good at swimming.
I prefer swimming to skiing.
He has built up his health through swimming.
I'd rather play football than go swimming.
She always boasts of being a good swimmer.
I like summer best because I can swim.
Mary decreased her waist size by swimming every day.
I guess it doesn't make any difference which swimming club I join.
I enjoyed swimming in the river.