Verb (する)
1. progress; advance; improvement; development
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (8 in total)
major progress; huge advance
progressive party
Examples (40 in total)
She's making progress.
Science has made remarkable progress.
Trial and error is essential to progress.
The child has advanced in his knowledge.
I'm satisfied with his progress.
The progress of civilization is very rapid.
There is no limit to human progress.
Medical science has made a dramatic advance.
Jane has made great progress in Japanese.
In recent years, science has made remarkable progress.
He shows no mark of progress.
Comparative studies are now making rapid progress.
They were making great progress in architecture.
His ignorance hindered us in our progress.
He worked very hard, but could make little progress.
Lack of flexibility is an obstacle to progress.
Recent advances in medicine are remarkable.
He has made great progress in speaking Mandarin.
Computer science has made rapid progress in our country.
Technological innovation brought about the rapid progress of the information industry.
You've made remarkable progress in English in the past year.
How is the discovery related to the progress of science?
My sister has made remarkable progress in English.
Japanese industry has made great advances since the war.
Chemistry has made notable progress in recent years.
Oil has played an important part in the progress of Japanese industry.
The history of the world is none other than the progress of the consciousness of freedom.
The advancement of modern medicine was a long process.
Since the war, Japan has advanced greatly in science and technology.
Japan achieved a remarkable development in industrial technology after the war.
Many improvements have been made since this century began.
The progress of science has brought about great change in our lives.
Advances in science don't always benefit humanity.
She was such a hardworking girl that she made much progress in French.
They attributed the low death rate of infants to the progress of medicine.
Progress has been very slow indeed, so far as social life is concerned.
You seem to have made considerable progress since I saw you last.
You seem to have made considerable progress since our last meeting.
Scientific knowledge has greatly advanced since the 16th century.
There is no telling how far science may have progressed by the end of the twentieth century.