Verb (する)
1. evolution; progress
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (26 in total)
convergent evolution
to make progress; to develop; to evolve (method, style, etc.)
evolutionary theory; theory of evolution
evolved form; developed form
evolutionary biology
evolutionary rate; rate of evolution
creative evolution (as proposed by Henri Bergson)
chemical evolution
parallel evolution
social evolution
paedomorphosis; pedomorphosis
molecular evolution
evolutionarily stable strategy; ESS
evolutionary developmental biology; evo-devo
binary-coded decimal code
binary coded decimal; BCD
binary-coded decimal representation
binary-coded decimal notation
evolutionary species
evolutionary psychology
evolutionary game theory (EGT)
neutral theory of molecular evolution
Examples (6 in total)
Extinction is a part of evolution.
I have a great interest in the evolution of dinosaurs.
The threat increases; a defence that doesn't evolve is meaningless.