Adjective (な)
1. fresh
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
freshness; novelty
Examples (35 in total)
I want to eat fresh fish.
These lemons are fresh.
Do you have any fresh strawberries?
Fresh fruit is good for your health.
Everything was new to me.
The morning air is fresh and pleasant.
Fresh air is necessary to good health.
I was able to buy fresh fish in the market.
Fresh vegetables are very expensive in the winter.
How can I pick out fresh fish?
Fresh vegetables promote health.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are good for your health.
Open the window and let in some fresh air.
We went out for some fresh air.
Fresh fruit is good for you.
We eat a fresh, green salad every day.
We ate fresh fruit after dinner.
She likes to eat fresh raw vegetables.
There is nothing like fresh air.
Not all of these eggs are fresh.
She went to the market to buy fresh vegetables.
What would you like for dessert, ice cream or fresh fruit?
Tom opened the window to let in some fresh air.
I bought some fresh eggs which had just come from the farm.
He opened the window to let in some fresh air.
Flowers and trees need clean air and fresh water.
The vegetables at that store didn't look very fresh.
John is a strong believer in fresh air.
You should eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Sunlight is no less necessary to good health than fresh air.
He went outside for a breath of fresh air.
As we need fresh air, so fish need clean water.
What with fresh air and proper exercise, he recovered from his illness quickly.
This fresh raw fish is delicious.
She went outside to get a breath of fresh air.