Verb (する)
1. new work; new production; new composition; new creation; new title
Pitch accent
Composed of
new; neo-; newness; novelty; Gregorian calendar; Xin dynasty (China, 9-23 CE)
work (e.g. of art); production; harvest; cultivation; technique
Used in vocabulary (3 in total)
most recent work (e.g. book, film, etc.); latest work; latest offering
semi-recent release (usu. video)
neologism (esp. medical)
Examples (6 in total)
The new movie was a big hit.
The nonfiction writer has published a new work.
His new movie earned him an Academy Award.
I went to see an advance screening of the new movie yesterday.
His new film is worth seeing.
The advance reviews of the new film are very favorable.