Adjective (の)
1. heart
2. guts; nerve; cheek; gall; spine
3. central part
Pitch accent
Composed of
heart; mind; bottom of one's heart; core (of one's character); centre; center; heart (organ)
viscera; bowels
Used in vocabulary (25 in total)
heart disease; heart trouble; cardiopathy
central part
heart attack; to have a heart attack
cardioplegia; heart attack
cardiac massage; heart massage
heart transplant
heart surgery
artificial heart
timidity; cowardliness; (lit.) courage of a flea
boldness; guts; courage; gall; sangfroid
myocardial rupture; cardiac rupture; heart rupture; cardiorrhexis; cardioclasis
cardiac death
heart transplant operation
cardiac arrest
valvular heart disease; heart valve disease
heart valve; cardiac valve
cardioid; cordate; heart-shaped
brazen-faced; completely impudent
cardiologist; heart specialist
enlargement of the heart
athlete's heart
Examples (14 in total)
The heart is made of muscle.
My heart is beating like crazy.
Tom has a bad heart.