1. mind; heart; spirit
2. the meaning of a phrase (riddle, etc.)
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (92 in total)
spirit; disposition
gratuity; tip
inside one's heart; in one's mind
from the bottom of one's heart; heartily; sincerely
bottom of one's heart
having in mind; happening to know of; idea
feeling; mood; disposition; mental attitude; somewhat; slightly
(one's) inner voice; voice of one's heart; what one really thinks
mental preparedness; being braced for; being steeled for
one's heart; one's feelings; one's inner thoughts; one's mind
consideration (for); thoughtfulness; solicitude; care; watchfulness; concern
deep down; special place in one's heart; in the back of one's mind
innermost depths of one's heart
preparedness; readiness; mental attitude; frame of mind
sincerity; true heart; devotion
regret; flesh, blood vessels and fat from around chicken heart (usu. served as yakitori)
body and soul; mind and body
inner heart
(mental) attitude; way of thinking; attention; care; prudence; intention
emotional scars; mental trauma
freely; frankly; without reserve
(another's) spirit; God's heart or spirit; Lord's will
carefully; with caution
innermost feelings; heart; motive
there in body, but not in spirit; distracted; in one ear and out the other
moral support; emotional support; spiritual support
(something) one does not really mean; insincere
to one's heart's content; following one's heart's desires
anticipation; expectation; plan; preparation
heartache; ache in one's heart; emotional pain
one's bosom friend; kindred-spirit
somehow; somewhat; seemingly
stout heart; strong mind
thoughtful; considerate; sensible; prudent; having good taste; discerning
exerting care; attention; consideration; thoughtfulness
kindness; consideration
kindness; consideration
unwillingly; reluctantly; against one's will
token; a trifle
generous; broad-minded; big-hearted
mental illness; emotional disorder
narrow-minded; small-minded; close-minded; intolerant
calm; serene; tranquil; peaceful
emotional wall; internal barrier
emotional care; emotional support; caring for somebody's mental well-being
mental illness; emotional disorder
anticipation; expectation
to one's heart's content
secure; reassuring
heartstrings; innermost soul
one's emotional state; one's mood; human interest; kindness; simple-heartedness
spiritual exchange; reciprocal flow of feeling
inwardly; secretly
there is no love like a father's; no child knows how dear he is to his parents
spiritually rich; good for the soul
concern; sympathy; solicitude; nature; disposition; temperament
food for thought
lacking in prudence; lacking in judgement
to one's heart's content
thoughtfulness; diversion; recreation
change of heart; fickleness
(informal) celebration
as one pleases
spirit of a poem; true meaning of a poem
it's the thought that counts
a guess; anticipation
one mind; the whole heart; wholeheartedness
reliance; dependence
one's mind; one's thoughts; one's heart
state of mind
calm mind; placid temperament
if you do a favor for somebody, you will get a return favor; (lit.) if a fish is friendly toward water, water will be kind to the fish too; you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
one's real intention
clash of minds (between friends); discord; emotional conflict
the eyes are the windows to the soul; the eye is the lamp of the body
the eyes are the windows to the soul; the eye is the lamp of the body; (lit.) the eyes are the mirror of the heart
philosophy of mind
wholeheartedly; with all one's heart
a gentle spirit is more important than looks; handsome is as handsome does
diffidence; timidity
in traveling, companionship; in life, kindness
what you believe in your heart is revealed in your face
in traveling, a companion; in life, sympathy
being discouraged
Examples (52 in total)
My heart is trembling.
My heart hurts.
I wanted to be able to read minds.