1. bedroom
Pitch accent
Composed of
room; wife (of someone of high rank); scabbard; Chinese "Encampment" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
main bedroom; master bedroom
living room and bedroom; bed-sitter
Examples (17 in total)
A bedroom is for sleeping.
The woman sleeps in the bedroom.
Is that Tom's bedroom?
The door opens into the bedroom.
I'm going to clean your bedroom today.
Her bedroom is just above.
We have four bedrooms upstairs.
This room is my bedroom, and the other one is my office.
The bedroom curtains have faded at the edges.
The bedroom has a full-sized double bed.
Yanni's house has four bedrooms.
I bought lace curtains for my bedroom window.
The bedroom was laden with beautiful ornaments.
Tom has a picture of a girl in a bikini on his bedroom wall.
Tom came out of his bedroom wearing pajamas and fluffy slippers.
I share a bedroom with my sister.
We live in a three-bedroom house.