1. food; foodstuff
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (3 in total)
dietary fiber; dietary fibre
Examples (25 in total)
We have food in abundance.
I provided him with food.
Chew your food well.
He asked for food.
There was lots of food in the house.
Human beings can't live without food.
We have supplied the villagers with food.
Did you soon get used to Japanese food?
Food is always necessary for life.
A lot of wild animals died for lack of food.
My brother and I like the same food.
Salt prevents food from perishing.
We are used to eating plain food.
He furnished the hungry with food.
He did not know what to do with the extra food.
We know how food affects growth.
The organization furnished the refugees with food.
A growing child requires more food.
Sleep is no less necessary to health than food.
This will mean that growing food will become difficult.
Reading is to the mind what food is to the body.
The soldiers seized food from the people they conquered.
The calorie is an exact measure of the energy in food.
Wit is to conversation what salt is to food.
Green plants can make their own food.