1. information; news; intelligence; advices
2. information; data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.
Pitch accent
Composed of
feelings; emotion; compassion; sympathy; passion; affection
information; news; report; reward; retribution
Used in vocabulary (170 in total)
intelligence gathering; information gathering
information exchange
intelligence or information network
Examples (77 in total)
What kind of information do you want?
I have all the information.
His information is certain.
This information is confidential.
Is that correct information?
I want specific information.
We have to gather information.
This information is a trade secret.
Was that information necessary?
Where did you procure the information?
You must gather further information.
I want more detailed information.
Are you sure this information is reliable?
He collected various information.
I want to get as much information as possible.
I heard this from a safe source.
I think this information will help.
They have a large stock of information.
I can't disclose that information yet.
An image is formed by the information in the media.
The correctness of the information is doubtful.
The spy sent information by code.
Newspapers distribute information to the public.
That's not a useful piece of information.
How many pieces of information did he get?
Modern society is overflowing with all sorts of information.
We need more information about this.
I passed the information on to him.
So far there has been no news.
He put this information to good use.
We have the ability to memorize information.
They failed to get any definite information.
At last, we got the information.
He decided to seek information elsewhere.
No matter how much I search, I can't find the information I'm looking for.
The sort of information we need is not always available.
Pilots communicate with the airport by radio.
What changes the world is communication, not information.
This dictionary contains a lot of information.
What sort of information do you get on the Internet?
This leaflet contains necessary information.
Tom has information that Mary needs.
The Internet is an invaluable source of information.
The police are acting on information received.
Perry obtained precious information from him.
I'm looking for information on the Anderson Antique Shop in London.
Perry decided to gain information from Drake.
I got the information from him directly.
This information is very important to us.
The information is useful to a great many people.
He refused to give them the information.
We got an interesting piece of information.
His secretary denied leaking the information.
I'll get you the info you need by next week.
We have to get as much information as possible.
The information is in a file in my computer.
I will be very grateful if you can send us even a small tidbit of information.
A reward has been offered for information pertaining to the incident.
I collect every bit of information about food.
I have a large body of information in my computer database.
I guarantee that this information is correct.
It covers everything from the fundamentals of microbiology to the latest news.
The teacher gave her a lot of information about the university.
Television is a very important medium for giving information.
We can get a lot of valuable information from the book.
Sally gave me a good piece of information.
I briefed my boss on the new project.
Television is a very important medium through which to provide information.
We use computers to solve problems and to put information in order.
If you would like to have further information, please contact me.
He held over his decision until he got more information.
I believe you have information that can help us.
Because of modern communication and transportation systems, the world is getting smaller.
Fibre-optic cables can carry huge amounts of information.
It is our policy not to give out personal information.
From time to time, he goes to the library to get new information about books.
The police charged him with leaking information to a neighboring country.