1. feelings; emotion; sentiment
2. compassion; sympathy
3. passion; affection; love
4. the way things really are; the actual situation
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (107 in total)
facial expression; countenance; look; appearance; expression (vocal, etc.)
sympathy; compassion; pity
state; condition; situation; appearance; circumstances
obstinate; stubborn; headstrong
information; news; intelligence; information; data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.
circumstances; conditions; situation; reasons; state of affairs
complaint; troubles; objection; grievance
love; affection
political situation; political affairs
heartlessness; hardness of heart; coldheartedness; insentient; inanimate
affection; love
spectacle; sight; scene
petition; appeal
sexual excitement; estrus; oestrus; rut; (coming into) heat
the six emotions (joy, anger, sorrow, pleasure, love and hatred)
feeling; sensitivity; emotion
emotion; feeling; atmosphere; mood; spirit
passion; enthusiasm; zeal
pure heart; naivete; innocence
seven emotions (in The Book of Rites: joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hate, desire); seven emotions (in Buddhism: joy, anger, sorrow, pleasure, love, hate, desire); seven effects (of a traditional Chinese medicine)
internal conditions; true state of affairs
real situations; personal consideration; private circumstances; favoritism; favouritism
charm; attractiveness; humanity
profligate; licentious; of loose morals; emotional; passionate; sentimental
heartless; inhuman; unfeeling
sentiments; passions
various reasons
ardour (ardor); passion
enemy movements; enemy's position
person with limited access to information (via the Internet, television, etc.); person who is inept at using the Internet to access information; Internet illiterate
emotion; feeling; feelings; sentiment
appearance; air
sentiment; emotions; one's feelings; one's heart
state of things; state of affairs; condition; situation; circumstances
violent emotion; passion; fury
passion; passions; (sexual) desire; craving
cold-hearted; callous; unfeeling; insentient (objects); insensate; inanimate
emotion; feeling; atmosphere; mood; spirit
humanity; empathy; kindness; human nature; common sense; customs and manners
personal feelings; self-interest
real condition; actual circumstances; actual state of affairs
passions; sexual desire; lust
animal passions; carnal desire; lust
emotion; affect
love affair; liaison
ill feeling; ill will; animosity; bad impression
ill feeling; ill will; animosity; bad impression
frankness; impulsiveness
being struck mad by love; foolish passion; blind love; infatuation; jealousy
to become attached; to begin to love
mistress; lover; prostitute
intimacy; sexual intercourse
true feeling
nature; disposition
compassionate; sympathetic
lover; sweetheart; mistress
lover; sweetheart; mistress
sexual passion; lust
compassion; affection
sensibility (artistic, moral); (good) taste; sentiment
to feel compassion towards; to be swayed by emotion; to be moved by
one's mood while traveling (travelling)
kind-hearted; compassionate; charitable
atmosphere; mood; sentiment
feeling; emotion; will
poetic sentiment; poetic interest; poetic inspiration
friendly feelings; fellowship
soft-hearted; susceptible; sentimental; tender-hearted
passion (of love)
sentient beings; humaneness; compassion
lovers' suicide; double suicide
intimacy; friendship
being struck mad by love; blind love
emotion and reason; logic and emotion; justice and compassion (criminal justice context)
coldhearted; hardhearted
burning passion; flaming desires
sincerity; genuine feeling
suggestiveness (of a poem); lingering charm; lasting impression
condition (sentiment) of the people
traffic conditions (e.g. heavy traffic); transportation situation (e.g. bad roads)
parental love
justice and humanity
condition of the common people
worldly-mindedness; worldly affairs
old friendship; old sentiments; old feelings
compassion; pity
Ming Dynasty love story
conversing from the heart; love story
public feeling; state of things
stubborn; hardheaded
the five passions (anger, joy, hatred, desire and grief)
information dissemination; public relations; propaganda (political parties, unions, etc.)
ardent love
selfishness; bias; personal feelings
military situation
to be obstinate
state; condition; situation; circumstances
the warm feelings of people of the traditional commercial and working-class neighborhoods
information appliance; information device; information system
psychomime; ideophone depicting mental state or sensation
stubborn; obstinate; hardheaded; recalcitrant
stubborn; obstinate; hardheaded; recalcitrant