Adjective (の)
1. jest; joke; funny story
じょうだん is sometimes written 笑談
Pitch accent
Composed of
waste; uselessness; redundance
talk; story; conversation
Used in vocabulary (7 in total)
it's no joke; gimme a break!
jokingly; in the form of a joke
seriously; no kidding; joking aside; in all seriousness
Examples (79 in total)
I'm kidding.
I'm just kidding.
That was a joke.
Was that a joke?
Stop joking.
Is that a joke?
This is a joke.
Of course, it's a joke.
I didn't get the joke.
Is this a joke?
Is this some kind of joke?
I only meant it as a joke.
That joke isn't funny.
I told you that was just a joke.
It's merely a joke.
It was a stupid joke.
Don't joke like that.
I just meant it as a joke.
He didn't get the joke.
Did you think I was joking?
Do you think I'm joking?
This is not a joke.
We couldn't help laughing at the teacher's joke.
His joke made us all laugh.
At first, she thought it was a joke.
They were always making jokes.
We could not help laughing at the joke.
This is no time for joking.
His jokes made us laugh.
His jokes amused me.
His jokes are not funny at all.
He was amused at my joke.
It is no joke.
He tells a good joke.
His joke set everyone laughing.
This was meant as a joke.
Saying "it's just a joke" is an excuse.
He laughed at my joke.
It was only a joke.
His joke borders on insult.
Don't take me seriously. I'm only joking.
I didn't get Mary's joke.
I had a good laugh at her joke.
Tom laughed at my jokes.
I don't like this kind of joke.
He regarded the story as a joke.
He is always joking.
He made a joke about it.
He thought the whole thing a bad joke.
Sorry, I only meant it as a joke.
Are you joking, or are you serious?
He began with a joke.
I was hoping that it was a joke.
I like your jokes. They're very funny.
"Now and then I think of divorcing him." "You must be kidding!"
I regarded your offer as a joke.
I am fed up with his vulgar jokes.
His joke eased the tension in the room.
His joke made all the class burst into laughter.
At my joke, the audience burst into laughter.
His crude jokes made Jane angry.
I was bored with his old jokes.
He could not help laughing at her jokes.
The whole class laughed at his joke.
We all laughed at his joke.
He said it merely as a joke.
I took it as a joke and did not answer.
On hearing the joke, he burst out laughing.
At his joke, they all burst into laughter.
Mr. Smith always begins his lectures with a joke.
My uncle told me the story by way of a joke.
That is the funniest joke that I have ever heard.
It is not always easy to make a good joke.
He needs a few jokes to lighten up his talk.
Never tell a lie, either for fun or from fear.
Can there be a computer intelligent enough to tell a joke?
After their quarrel, my wife tried to make some jokes to lighten up the mood.
Don't take it seriously. It's a joke.
Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been brought up.