1. prize; award
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (85 in total)
prize money; monetary award; reward
relish; gusto; appreciation
extra prize
reward and punishment
enthusiastic praise
first prize; gold medal; blue ribbon
try-hard award; consolation prize
winning (a prize)
prize; trophy
admiration; appreciation; enjoyment; viewing (for pleasure)
Rookie of the Year award
big prize; first prize
to win the prize; to win the ring
gold (first-place) prize
honorable certificate; honourable certificate
large prize (e.g. in horse racing); generous reward
literary prize
prize for perfect attendance
special award; special prize
Akutagawa Prize (literary award)
participation award; prize for participation
consolation prize
award of excellence; merit award
silver (second-place) prize
sure punishment or reward
second prize
prize awarded for good effort; consolation prize
award for distinguished service
Fighting Spirit Prize (sumo, martial arts, etc.)
encouragement award; honorable mention (award); honourable mention
King of the Mountains (cycling, esp. Tour de France)
bronze (third-place) prize
to receive a prize
Grammy Awards; Grammy Award
prize for a single stage of a relay race
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
booby prize; prize for coming second-last
outstanding performance award; outstanding performance prize; Outstanding Performance Award; Distinguished Service Medal (e.g. military: US, UK, etc.)
honorary award
approval; praise
conferring of an award
honor prize; honour prize
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
honour award (honor)
trophy; prize cup
Golden Globe Award; Golden Globe Awards
words of praise; encomium
three special awards for wrestlers at the end of a tournament
(words of) praise; eulogy
Technique Prize; Technique Award
prize for excellence; prize of excellence
prize for diligence or good attendance
award for best supporting actor (actress)
Japan Academy award
hitting three or more times in a game (NPB)
prize; reward
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
The Young Scientists' Prize
Prize to Schools for Nurturing Creativity
Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
high praise; hearty applause; cordial commendation; special reward; grand prize
Examples (21 in total)
She received the prize.
They are contending for the prize.
To my surprise, he won the prize.