1. boy; juvenile; young boy; youth; lad
Pitch accent
Composed of
small; little; few
year; counter for years (e.g. of an era), grades (e.g. school); period of an apprentice's contract (usu. ten years)
Used in vocabulary (26 in total)
juvenile delinquent
handsome youth (male); pretty boy
Examples (200 in total)
The boy was calm.
The boy was quiet.
This is the boy.
The boys are waiting.
That boy is running.
He is a Japanese boy.
The boy I love doesn't love me.
He is a cheerful boy.
The boy is eating bread.
You are an American boy.
The boy took off his cap.
The boy didn't change his opinion.
I passed a boy in the street.
The boy enjoyed painting a picture.
The boy entered by the back door.
The boy stripped off his clothes.
I know the boy.
He is no longer a boy.
The other boys smiled.
She was a girl, and he was a boy.
"Yes, I can do it," answered the boy.
The boy ran away.
All the boys ran away.
He is a boy with many dreams.
The boy had a red face.
The boy remained silent.
That boy's hair is black.
People laughed at the boy.
The boy sat on a chair.
Such a boy is loved by everybody.
He must be a good boy.
The boy exclaimed in delight.
That boy is his brother.
Every boy and every girl was delighted.
A boy was throwing stones at the dog.
The boy jumped into the water.
Look at that boy who is swimming.
A lot of boys are running in the park.
The boy screamed for help.
Each boy has a bike.
That boy is speaking English.
The policeman took the knife from the boy.
What a kind boy he is!
The little boy is afraid of the dark.
He is not an English boy.
The boy and the girl seem to know each other.
The police searched for the lost boy.
Many boys and girls were present.
The boy lay listening to the radio.
They looked after the boy.
I saw a boy crossing the street.
Who is the boy that is swimming over there?
The boy was wandering about the town.
For the boy, his father represented authority.
He was then a boy of ten.
I can't understand the psychology of adolescents.
George seems a good boy.
The boy put his hand in his pocket.
The boy who spoke to me was a new student.
I know that boy whom you don't know.
Where did you see the boy?
Two boys stood in front of me.
This is the boy who helped me.
That's the boy I saw yesterday.
The boy got in through the window.
All the boys are honest.
Let's ask the boy who lives next door.
A boy ran off with some money.
I have been busier than the two boys.
The boy over there is his brother.
The boy standing over there is my son.
The boy was forced to quit school by his parents.
She made the boy into a fine man.
The boy said a wolf would come.
The men were carrying the boy to the hospital.
The boy singing a song is my brother.
The boy washing the car is my brother.
One of the boys suddenly ran away.
The boy carved his name in the tree.
It's no use trying to persuade the boy.
He approached the boy reading a book.
A boy came running towards me.
He is the boy of whom I spoke the other day.
"I'm Japanese," the boy answered.
My grandfather died when I was a boy.
The boy was about to jump into the lake.
There are some boys under the tree.
The boy admitted breaking the window.
I'm a country boy now.
I felt sorry for the boy.
I caught sight of the boy escaping from the classroom.
The teacher permitted the boy to go home.
The boy tried eating with chopsticks.
The boy ran and ran toward the goal.
The boy was given up for dead.
We saw a boy run over by a truck.
Most boys know his name.
The boy playing the guitar is my younger brother.
The boy captured the bird with a net.
A group of boys were coming up to me.
Jack is the tallest boy in his class.
That is the boy who came here yesterday.
The boys rushed for the door at the same time.
He taught a group of Indian boys.
The boy was searching for the lost key.
That kind of behavior is characteristic of the boy.
The boy hit the ball with his new bat.
I don't know who that boy is.
The boy talks as if he were a girl.
The boy sat among the girls.
The boy told me why he was crying.
I know the boy who is sitting closest to the door.
The boy soon accommodated himself to his new class.
The boy is far from a fool.
All the boys in class worked hard.
Every day the boy would come.
Here are about ten boys.
One of these two boys knows that.
The boy was so tired that he could walk no longer.
The boy standing by the door is my brother.
This boy denied having broken the window.
He's the boy we spoke about the other day.
The boy stepped on my foot on purpose.
We restrained the boy from breaking the window.
This is the boy who found your watch.
The girl listened to music, the boy was reading a book.
Everyone recognizes the boy as a real genius.
The boy reached out for another piece of cake.
I'm just a boy who makes mistakes.
Mike walked up to the boy.
Some boys came into the classroom.
Who is that boy running toward us?
The boy cannot have stolen my umbrella.
He can run as fast as any other boy.
The two boys began to blame each other.
The boy slung a stone at the dog.
The boy who writes best wins the prize.
The boy lay on his back, basking in the spring sunshine.
I know what a lucky boy I am.
Hundreds of boys are playing in the ground.
The boy attempted an escape, but failed.
The boy tried moving the heavy sofa.
A boy with a toy sword was playing by himself.
Boys have their own bikes these days.
We looked for the boy and his bicycle that had disappeared.
The boy tried to be a man and not cry.
The two boys became intimate friends at the camp.
This is the boy who showed me around the city.
Most boys admire baseball heroes.
The doctor tried hard to save the wounded boy.
John is the taller of the two boys.
The boy went to bed with his socks on.
Do you know any of the boys in this room?
You remind me of a boy I used to know.
The boy chose to stay with his mother.
When I was a boy, I often read a book in bed.
I opened the door and saw two boys standing side by side.
Those boys are not good at speaking to these girls.
The boy who lives next door often comes home late.
This photograph reminds me of enjoyable times when I was a child.
The boy opened the window, although his mother told him not to.
The boy could not keep up with activities in school.
I have been the busiest of the three boys.
The boy was to lose his mother at an early age.
From that day forth he lived with the boy.
One by one the boys went out of the room.
He caught a boy stealing his watch.
Those two boys share the same dormitory room.
It is cruel of them to make the boy work so hard.
The boy told his mother about it first of all when he got home.
The boy pretended to be too sick to go to school.
They fooled the boy into stealing his father's watch.
Three boys climbed the trees like a bunch of monkeys.
That tall boy saved the drowning child.
Lucy approached the young man and put her hand on his head.
All the boys thought Carol was a boring person.
No other boy in his class is so tall as he.
The boy caressed the girl's chin and kissed her cheek.
She loves the boy as if he were her own child.
That boy often breaks our windows with a ball.
The boy seems to know a great deal about plants.
The boy dug a grave for his dog that had died.
The boy was good at mathematics so everybody considered him a genius.
The boy dug a grave for his dead pet.
We did everything we could to save the boy.
I forgave the boy for stealing the money from the safe.
Three boys came in. I spoke to the boy who seemed to be the oldest.
Riding my bicycle, the boy ran into a big rock.
The boy deserved praise for saving the child's life.
How many boys are there in the room?
The boy hid behind the door.
The three boys had only two dollars among them.
More than twenty boys went there.
The boy in question did not come to school today.
The boy cannot keep quiet for ten minutes.
He is not the boy that he was ten years ago.
It was impossible for the boy to swim across that river.
The group was made up of six girls and four guys.
The other boys teased him when he got his hair cut.
The boy looked pleased with his new bicycle.