Adjective (い)
1. few; a little; scarce; insufficient; seldom
Pitch accent
Top 30100
Used in vocabulary (8 in total)
scarce; few remaining
scarce; few remaining
few in number
Examples (116 in total)
Traffic was light.
Rain is scarce in this country.
We won't have much snow this winter.
At least they should have a map.
At least I'm older than you.
He is a man of few wants.
Few students attended the meeting.
It takes an hour to get there, at least.
I was disappointed at there being so little to do.
It'll take at least three hours.
On weekdays, there are always fewer people.
There are few bookstores in this area.
Europe has a smaller population than Asia.
We have less snow than usual.
They have less rain in Egypt than in Japan.
A young child has a small vocabulary.
The ticket will cost not less than 1,000 yen.
Telephone booths are very scarce around here.
Not a few foreigners like Japanese food.
Few scientists understand the theory of relativity.
Her English composition has few mistakes.
African elephants have less hair than Asian elephants.
The number of women who become mothers is small.
Not many people are talking about it.
It snowed less this winter than last.
It'll take at least one hour to go there.
The food wasn't good, but at least it was cheap.
There is little automobile traffic on this road.
Few know the truth of the matter.
The population of this country is smaller than that of the United States.
I feel like there haven't been any interesting dramas recently.
Few governments can manage the economy successfully.
The sales in Japan are small in comparison with those in Europe.
He has many acquaintances but few friends.
She had at least four faults.
The population of New York is smaller than that of Tokyo.
A few years back, there was only little furniture in our apartment.
That job will take at least ten days.
At least thirty students were absent.
There is very little probability of an agreement being reached.
Because of the rain, the audience at the concert was small.
The population of Australia is much smaller than that of Japan.
It was hard for him to live on his small pension.
She goes to the beauty salon at least once a week.
He watches at least one movie a day.
I usually eat less than my boyfriend.
We all try to get together at least once a year.
She lost what little money she had.
Few people are able to understand his theories.
I try to read at least a few pages a day.
The Japanese eat rice at least once a day.
Very few people know how to do that.
At that time I had a poor income and couldn't live on it.
We had less snow this winter than last.
He is a man of few words, but he always keeps his promise.
You'll have to wait at least an hour to get a ticket.
Hong Kong is the least regulated economy in Asia.
I read at least one book every month.
The number of students who were late for school was much smaller than I had expected.
The less men think, the more they talk.
These books are worth reading at least once.
We should read at least one book a month.
Everybody is supposed to know the law, but few people really do.
Drink less and sleep more.
I gave him what little money I had with me.
My savings are so small that they won't last much longer.
I'm always bored with films that have little action.
Maybe because of my age, I've started choosing bento with fewer fried foods.
Jim says he goes jogging at least three times a week.
I should finish my homework at least by Monday.
I didn't win, but at least I got a consolation prize.
There's less to do in this job than the last one.
There seem to be few people who can solve that math problem.
She gave the boy what few coins she had in her purse.
It is sad that so few people give money to help the hungry.
5 is less than 8.
At least sixty people lost their lives.
She looks at least sixty.
At least 49 percent of students go on to university.
They have not less than ten children.
There are at least 500 students here.
Few people can speak English better than Sachiko.
It will cost at least 2000 yen to take a taxi.
The camera will cost at least $500.
George weighs at least 70 kilograms.
She isn't young anymore. She's at least 30 years old.
Chestnuts have to be boiled for at least fifteen minutes.
I drink at least three liters of water a day.
Few people live to be one hundred years old.
The repairs will cost at least 20 pounds.
He washes his car at least once a week.
He has no less than five English books.
In February it snows at least every three days.
This dictionary contains not less than fifty thousand words.
Let the tea steep for at least 5 minutes.
Tom eats at least three bowls of rice every day.
We made friends with at least ten Americans.
Nowadays few people can afford to employ a maid.
There are few sites in the Tatar language on the Internet.
Not less than fifty passengers were injured in the traffic accident.
The number of fish caught in this river was very small.
No one has shown up as yet, but we're expecting at least 50 students.
Most Japanese eat rice at least once a day.
The movie is worth seeing at least two or three times.
Not less than 10 people were arrested for being involved in the riot.
Peter talks with his parents in the United States on the phone at least once a week.
At least 31 people have been killed by the eruption.
On our campus, we have earthquake drills at least once a year.
Upon entering the restaurant, there were few customers, and the food was served immediately.
Mother comes to stay with us at least once a month.
To investigate the incident would take us at least three weeks.
You must not forget to write to your parents at least once a month.
When she was in Los Angeles, she had at least six different jobs.
Because of the poor harvest, wheat prices have gone up in the last six months.
My hens laid fewer eggs last year.
It will take him at least two years to be qualified for that post.