1. small quantity; little; few; something
2. little while
3. short distance
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (12 in total)
a bit more; a bit longer
even a little; any at all; if only a little; no matter how little
little by little
Examples (200 in total)
I'm not in the least surprised.
I was a bit embarrassed.
Why don't we take a little break?
I'd like to talk to you for a minute.
I was a little disappointed.
I can speak a little.
He drank a little.
"Does your hand hurt?" "It hurts a little."
My neck is a bit sore.
There's a little wind.
There is one, but it's a little far.
I have a few friends.
The situation hasn't changed at all.
I might be a bit late.
The pain has lessened a little.
There's a little coffee left.
Would you like to have some coffee?
I have some shopping to do.
I need to lose some weight.
I'm feeling a little guilty.
Add a little oil.
Clear up your desk a bit.
The radio is a bit loud.
Add a little milk.
Are you feeling any better?
Could you just give me a minute?
I felt a little scared.
Give me a little ice cream.
I feel a little responsible.
I had no idea you were coming.
I need a bit of time.
He didn't do any work.
I think that's a little too expensive.
It's still a little scary.
"Please give me some water." "All right."
Would you please wait for a few minutes?
She has a few books.
We had a little water.
It's a bit strange to me.
They slept a little in the room.
I thought that was kind of strange.
He looks a bit tired.
The color is a little too dark.
His tone of voice is a little strange.
I have a slight fever today.
You may have a slight fever.
He left a while ago.
I'm not in the least worried about it.
I don't doubt it in the least.
He suggested that we take a short rest.
It snowed a bit.
Would you lend me some money?
The water is still a little warm.
The examination was not difficult in the least.
I will open the window because it is a little hot.
I've had a slight fever since this morning.
I want a bit of cake.
"Does your throat hurt?" "Yes, a little."
I asked the doctor some questions.
She felt a bit tired.
We had to wait a little while for a bus.
This room is anything but warm.
Ann has a little money with her.
She has a few friends.
I speak a little Japanese.
I think I'll lie down for a while.
I will stay here for a short period.
The sky has become a bit cloudy.
I have a slight headache today.
I feel kind of sorry for him.
A little learning is a dangerous thing.
This shirt is a little bit loose.
Please buy a few apples.
She just kept her distance from him.
I have a little money with me.
Teach me some kanji, please.
Add a bit of sugar, please.
He's a little taller than you are.
Your proposal is a bit extreme.
There's a little water in the bucket.
You had better take a little rest.
His English improved slightly.
The cold has calmed down a bit.
Meg's shoes are a little loose.
He had a slight edge on his opponent.
My tennis hasn't improved in the slightest.
Boil some water.
I didn't understand in the least what he said.
That isn't quite what I wanted.
I think they're a little too small for you.
His behavior is nothing like his father.
Please open the window a little?
He came a little earlier than he used to.
It isn't any different from what I expected.
You must keep quiet for a while.
The soldier was not in the least afraid to die.
Go home. Get some rest.
This desk is a little low for me.
Can I borrow this for a little while?
I just got here, let me rest a bit.
Give me some paper to write on.
It is no wonder that he failed.
For a moment, no one spoke.
I had some trouble in finding his house.
I have some free time in the afternoon.
There is a little money in the bag.
This kind of book is of no use to us.
Could you turn the television down a bit?
This skirt is a little too tight.
I would like to exchange this watch for a cheaper one.
He's a little like his father.
I don't think that his performance was any good.
I went to bed a little earlier than usual.
I used to play piano long ago, so I can still play a little.
There is a little water in the bottle.
Her house is a little way off the road.
There is a little wine left in the bottom of the glass.
There's a little money in the bag.
He added a little sugar to the coffee.
I want to do some shopping around here.
His way of thinking is a bit extreme.
For dinner I only had a little fruit.
I'm not interested in physics at all.
There are a few mistakes in your report.
She stayed in that area for a short while.
I bought some cheese and a little milk.
It may have rained a little last night.
He doesn't care a bit about me.
Your garden needs some attention.
He shows no mark of progress.
I am not in the least afraid of his threats.
Add a little sugar and cream.
There is a little hope that he will succeed.
The boy took no notice of his father's advice.
John gave Mary some money.
I have a little time for reading these days.
I seem to have caught cold. I'm a little feverish.
Could you come back a little later?
There was a little water left in the bottom of the bottle.
Tom understands a little French.
I'm American, but I can speak Japanese a little.
My sister is thin, but I'm a little overweight.
This is little different from what I want.
He has a few friends in this town.
Please remain seated for a few minutes.
You have a lot of money, and I have none.
The work will come easy with a little practice.
I'm sorry, but could you buy me some bread?
If you go a little west from here you'll find the sea.
The old man stopped for a moment to rest.
Mother left some of the food for me.
This hat is a little too small for me.
My father was, I think, a little drunk then.
I'm still a bit sore after my operation.
"Excuse me, do you speak English?" "Yes. A little."
He came a little after noon.
There's a little time before the train departs.
I have to go home a little early today.
It seems to me that she is a little selfish.
He was somewhat disappointed to hear the news.
The picture looks better at a distance.
Hey, can you please be a bit quieter?
On Monday, his condition improved slightly.
He reached home shortly before five o'clock.
I think you should rest a bit. You look pale.
He likes sports that have a touch of risk.
There was a trace of anger in her voice.
Feeling a little dizzy, I sat down for a while.
He can't swim at all, but when it comes to skiing, he is the best.
There is no reason why I should go there.
I think what you need now is some sleep.
I think that car is a little too small for you.
My house is located at a distance from the station.
The tea is too strong. Add some water.
Do you write to him at all even now?
It took me a while to understand what she was trying to say.
If you tell too many lies, people won't ever believe you.
At a distance, the ship looks like an island.
I want some milk, but there isn't any in the refrigerator.
I felt a bit tired from swimming all morning.
The doctor thought the patient's pulse was rather rapid.
She sympathized with the orphan and gave him some money.
The radio is too loud. Can't you turn it down a little?
This is a good book except for a few mistakes.
Don't you think this computer game may be a little too difficult for Tom?
This year the cherry blossoms are coming out a little later than usual.
The dog drank some water and went away.
With so many people around he naturally became a bit nervous.
Turn down the TV a little. I'm trying to go to sleep.
Seen from a distance, it looks like a ball.
I guess it doesn't make any difference which swimming club I join.
It's rather cold today, but I think it'll be fairly warm tomorrow.
If I had been rich, I would have given you some money.
The thin man paused in the shade with his knees a little bent.
Seen at a distance, the rock looked like a human face.
He is a little over forty.
Please pour me a little tea.
That poet lived here a little over 20 years.
Lie on the bench for a while with your eyes closed.
It's a very dangerous sport, where a slight mistake can lead to serious injury.